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Progress in Education. Volume 79

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Roberta V. Nata
eBook Typ:
eBook Format:
2 - DRM Adobe

This volume consists of eight chapters that detail progress in education. Chapter one introduces the issues that contribute to feelings of unpreparedness in classroom management for novice teachers and reinforces the need for evidence-based classroom management training. The authors in chapter two articulate the main elements of a model of fully online learning communities (FOLC)and suggest strategies for implementing these collaborative workspaces across education and employment sectors. Chapter three discusses the impact of mentorship in the medical community and suggests a need for a transformative and inclusive pathway that is free from bias and discrimination for all medical professionals. Chapter four examines the connections between digital learning and experiential learning. Chapter five investigates traditional assessment and evaluation strategies, arguing cohesively that old strategies do not fit a new world order. The authors of chapter six aim to identify OAE success factors and select a suitable digital platform to maintain education quality. Chapter seven explores the nuances of professional identity among students specializing in economics, information technology (IT), and psychology. Chapter eight investigates the problems of anthropology in pedagogical education, i.e., the inherent nature of teacher training in interdisciplinary and digital educational environments.

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