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China’s Urban Construction Land Development

The State, Market, and Peasantry in Action
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Tao Liu
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This book examines the nature and internal dynamics of China's urban construction land (UCL) development, drawing insights from the recently developed theory of regional political ecology. Based on the author's original research, it identifies two different types of UCL development in China, namely top-down, formal development in the legal and regulated domain, and spontaneous and informal, bottom-up development in the semi-legal, poorly regulated gray domain. Presenting a systematic analysis and comparison, it reveals a scale and speed of informal land development no less significant than that of formal land development, although informal land development tends to be scattered, pervasive, difficult to track, and largely overlooked in research and policy formation. Contrary to the popular perception of the peasantry as passive victims of land development, this book uncovers an intriguing dynamic in which the peasantry has played an increasingly (pro)active role in developing theirrural land for urban uses in informal markets.
Introduction.- Interpreting the Development of Urban Construction Land in China.- Understanding Land Developments in a Globalizing World: Theoretical Alternatives.- Making Sense of China's Urban Construction Land Development: Towards Dual-track Political Ecology.- Methodological Issues.- The Changing Geography of China's Urban Construction Land.- Changing Institutions for The Development of Urban Construction Land.- Formal Development of China's Urban Construction Land.- Informal Development of China's Urban Construction Land. Urban Construction Land Development in Beijing.- Urban Construction Land Development in Shenzhen.- Conclusion.

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