Blood is Thicker

Besorgungstitel - wird vorgemerkt | Lieferzeit: Besorgungstitel - Lieferbar innerhalb von 10 Werktagen I

21,11 €*

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331 g
216x140x15 mm

The book opens in Shimla with a big, fat celebration from Lalaji on the cards. Not every day it happens that Lalaji would be 'celebrating' and inviting people. Occasion - his daughter, Sakshi's 18th birthday. She is one of the reasons for the 'birth' of this story and is one part of the core. Part I basically deals with Lalaji and his family, their background and daily life. Their interpersonal relationships with their surrounding social group, especially two important people who play a vital role throughout the book - Adv. Mahajan and Dr. Malhotra and their contrasting nature. Lalaji has a firm belief in Hindu Philosophy and has been trying to lead a life in accordance with the various stages described in Hindu scriptures. Part II takes us to Africa in the era of apartheid, struggle for freedom, patriotism, and revolution. This part deals with young love and the fire in the young hearts. It introduces and takes us through the life of the next pillar of the story, Shaka, Sakshi's love interest, culminating in bringing out the next pillar of the story. Part III takes us back to Shimla due to some tragic turn of events. The manifestations of the characters, the seeds of which were sown in Africa, are seen here. It takes us through a story of a person's capacity to challenge the mind and the body to limits. It also takes us through a roller coaster ride of the many so-called mysterious phenomena debated in the scientific and spiritual school of thoughts. The comparison between the spiritual-religious way of life and the scientific-pragmatic way of life is made and is left for the readers to decide which thinking or the way of life they want to follow, the old school or the more contemporary one.

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