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A Dickens Boxed Set: 20 Novels & Over 200 Short Stories, Plays, Poems & Articles

Illustrated Book: David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, A Christmas Carol...
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Charles Dickens
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Charles Dickens is well-known for his rich literary style and his ability to capture the essence of 19th-century London. In 'A Dickens Boxed Set', readers can delve into a comprehensive collection of Dickens' work, including 20 novels and over 200 short stories, plays, poems, and articles. This collection offers a deep dive into the Victorian era, exploring themes of social injustice, poverty, and the human experience through Dickens' vivid storytelling and well-developed characters. The intricate plots and compelling narratives showcased in this boxed set provide readers with a glimpse into the complexity of Dickens' storytelling and his enduring impact on literature. With a mix of genres and formats, this collection highlights the versatility and creativity of one of the most beloved authors in literary history. Charles Dickens, a prolific author of the 19th century, drew inspiration from his own experiences and observations of Victorian England. His works often reflect his concerns about social issues and the plight of the poor, showcasing his deep empathy and understanding of human nature. Dickens' unique blend of humor, drama, and social commentary has solidified his place as a master storyteller and a significant figure in English literature. For readers who appreciate classic literature and historical fiction, 'A Dickens Boxed Set' is a must-read. This extensive collection provides an immersive experience into the world of Charles Dickens, offering a diverse range of works that showcase his talent and legacy. Whether you are a longtime fan of Dickens or new to his work, this boxed set offers a comprehensive look at the author's enduring impact on literature and society.

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