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Analysis for Science, Engineering and Beyond

The Tribute Workshop in Honour of Gunnar Sparr held in Lund, May 8-9, 2008
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Kalle Åström
6, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics
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1 - PDF Watermark

This book project was initiated at The Tribute Workshop in Honour of Gunnar Sparr and the follow-up workshop Inequalities, Interpolation, Non-commutative Analysis, Non-commutative Geometry and Applications, held at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University in May and November of 2008.
1 Gunnar Sparr - the Remarkable Mathematician, Entrepreneur and Ambassador for Mathematics by Lars-Erik Persson.- 2 The Engineering Mathematics Study Programme in Lund - Background and Implementation by Georg Lindgren and Gunnar Sparr.- 3 Theory of "Edge-Detection" by Jan J. Koenderink.- 4 Shape Modeling by Optimising Description Length Using Gradients and Parameterisation Invariance by Johan Karlsson, Anders Ericsson and Kalle Åström.- 5 On the Bijectivity of Thin-Plate Splines by Anders P. Erikson and Kalle Åström.- 6 Statistical and Knowledge Supported Visualization of Multivariate Data by Magnus Fontes.- 7 Shock-Wave Behavior of Sedimentation in Waste Water Treatment - a Rich Problem by StefanDiehl.- 8 Scaling, Wavelets, Image Compression, and Encoding by Palle E.T. Jorgensen and Myung-Sin Song.- 9 Wavelet Representations and their Commutant by Dorin Ervin Dutkay and Sergei Silvestrov.- 10 Multidimensional Inequalities of Hardy and (Limit) Pólya-Knopp Types by Maria Johansson and Lars-Erik Persson.- 11 A Lizorkin Theorem on Fourier Series Multipliers for Strong Regular Systems by Lars-Erik Persson, Lyazzat Sarybekova, and Nazerke Tleukhanova.- 12 Note on the Structure of the Spaces of Matrix Monotone Functions by Hiroyuki Osaka and Jun Tomiyama.- 13 Interpolation of Normed Abelian Groups and Non-Commutative Integration by Sergei Silvestrov.- Index.

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