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Cloud Computing

First International Conference, CloudCom 2009, Beijing, China, December 1-4, 2009, Proceedings
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Martin Gilje Jaatun
5931, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Computer Communication Networks and Telecommunications
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eBook Format:
1 - PDF Watermark

This book constitutes the reviewed proceedings of the first International Conference on Cloud Computing, CloudCom 2009, held in Beijing, China, December 1-4, 2009.
Invited Papers.- The Many Colors and Shapes of Cloud.- Biomedical Case Studies in Data Intensive Computing.- An Industrial Cloud: Integrated Operations in Oil and Gas in the Norwegian Continental Shelf.- Cloudbus Toolkit for Market-Oriented Cloud Computing.- Full Papers.- Self-healing and Hybrid Diagnosis in Cloud Computing.- Snow Leopard Cloud: A Multi-national Education Training and Experimentation Cloud and Its Security Challenges.- Trust Model to Enhance Security and Interoperability of Cloud Environment.- Dynamic Malicious Code Detection Based on Binary Translator.- A Privacy Manager for Cloud Computing.- Privacy in a Semantic Cloud: What's Trust Got to Do with It?.- Data Protection-Aware Design for Cloud Services.- Accountability as a Way Forward for Privacy Protection in the Cloud.- Towards an Approach of Semantic Access Control for Cloud Computing.- Identity-Based Authentication for Cloud Computing.- Strengthen Cloud Computing Security with Federal Identity Management Using Hierarchical Identity-Based Cryptography.- Availability Analysis of a Scalable Intrusion Tolerant Architecture with Two Detection Modes.- Data Center Consolidation: A Step towards Infrastructure Clouds.- Decentralized Service Allocation in a Broker Overlay Based Grid.- DisTec: Towards a Distributed System for Telecom Computing.- Cloud Computing Boosts Business Intelligence of Telecommunication Industry.- Composable IO: A Novel Resource Sharing Platform in Personal Clouds.- SLA-Driven Adaptive Resource Management for Web Applications on a Heterogeneous Compute Cloud.- Cost of Virtual Machine Live Migration in Clouds: A Performance Evaluation.- Cloud-Oriented Virtual Machine Management with MLN.- A Systematic Process for Developing High Quality SaaS Cloud Services.- Cloud Computing ServiceComposition and Search Based on Semantic.- Deploying Mobile Computation in Cloud Service.- A Novel Method for Mining SaaS Software Tag via Community Detection in Software Services Network.- Retrieving and Indexing Spatial Data in the Cloud Computing Environment.- Search Engine Prototype System Based on Cloud Computing.- Distributed Structured Database System HugeTable.- Cloud Computing: A Statistics Aspect of Users.- An Efficient Cloud Computing-Based Architecture for Freight System Application in China Railway.- Web Server Farm in the Cloud: Performance Evaluation and Dynamic Architecture.- SPECI, a Simulation Tool Exploring Cloud-Scale Data Centres.- CloudWF: A Computational Workflow System for Clouds Based on Hadoop.- A Novel Multipath Load Balancing Algorithm in Fat-Tree Data Center.- Scheduling Active Services in Clustered JBI Environment.- Task Parallel Scheduling over Multi-core System.- Cost-Minimizing Scheduling of Workflows on a Cloud of Memory Managed Multicore Machines.- Green Cloud on the Horizon.- Industrial Cloud: Toward Inter-enterprise Integration.- Community Cloud Computing.- A Semantic Grid Oriented to E-Tourism.- Irregular Community Discovery for Social CRM in Cloud Computing.- A Contextual Information Acquisition Approach Based on Semantics and Mashup Technology.- Evaluating MapReduce on Virtual Machines: The Hadoop Case.- APFA: Asynchronous Parallel Finite Automaton for Deep Packet Inspection in Cloud Computing.- Short Papers.- Secure Document Service for Cloud Computing.- Privacy of Value-Added Context-Aware Service Cloud.- A Simple Technique for Securing Data at Rest Stored in a Computing Cloud.- Access Control of Cloud Service Based on UCON.- Replica Replacement Strategy Evaluation Based on Grid Locality.- Performance Evaluation of Cloud Service Considering Fault Recovery.- BlueSky Cloud Framework: An E-Learning Framework Embracing Cloud Computing.- Cloud Infrastructure & Applications - CloudIA.- One Program Model for Cloud Computing.- Enterprise Cloud Architecture for Chinese Ministry of Railway.- Research on Cloud Computing Based on Deep Analysis to Typical Platforms.- Automatic Construction of SP Problem-Solving Resource Space.- An Idea of Special Cloud Computing in Forest Pests' Control.- IBM Cloud Computing Powering a Smarter Planet.- Cloud Computing: An Overview.- Integrating Cloud-Computing-Specific Model into Aircraft Design.- Towards a Theory of Universally Composable Cloud Computing.- A Service-Oriented Qos-Assured and Multi-Agent Cloud Computing Architecture.- Price-Oriented Trading Optimization for Grid Resource.- A Requirements Recommendation Method Based on Service Description.- Extending YML to Be a Middleware for Scientific Cloud Computing.- Power-Aware Management in Cloud Data Centers.- Parallel K-Means Clustering Based on MapReduce.- Storage and Retrieval of Large RDF Graph Using Hadoop and MapReduce.- Distributed Scheduling Extension on Hadoop.- A Data Distribution Aware Task Scheduling Strategy for MapReduce System.- Cloud Computing Based Internet Data Center.

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