Generalized Lie Theory in Mathematics, Physics and Beyond

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HC runder Rücken kaschiert
Sergei D. Silvestrov
653 g
241x160x23 mm

bosonisation, parastatistics, parabosonic and parafermionic algebras, orthoalgebas and root systems in quantum mechanics;
Cutting edge content in Lie theory
Non-Associative and Non-Commutative Structures for Physics.- Moufang Transformations and Noether Currents.- Weakly Nonassociative Algebras, Riccati and KP Hierarchies.- Applications of Transvectants.- Automorphisms of Finite Orthoalgebras, Exceptional Root Systems and Quantum Mechanics.- A Rewriting Approach to Graph Invariants.- Non-Commutative Deformations, Quantization, Homological Methods, and Representations.- Graded q-Differential Algebra Approach to q-Connection.- On Generalized N-Complexes Coming from Twisted Derivations.- Remarks on Quantizations, Words and R-Matrices.- Connections on Modules over Singularities of Finite and Tame CM Representation Type.- Computing Noncommutative Global Deformations Of D-Modules.- Comparing Small Orthogonal Classes.- Groups and Actions.- How to Compose Lagrangian?.- Semidirect Products of Generalized Quaternion Groups by a Cyclic Group.- A Characterization Of A Class Of 2-Groups By Their Endomorphism Semigroups.- Adjoint Representations and Movements.- Applications of Hypocontinuous Bilinear Maps in Infinite-Dimensional Differential Calculus.- Quasi-Lie, Super-Lie, Hom-Hopf and Super-Hopf Structures and Extensions, Deformations and Generalizations of Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras.- Hom-Lie Admissible Hom-Coalgebras and Hom-Hopf Algebras.- Bosonisation and Parastatistics.- Deformations of the Witt, Virasoro, and Current Algebra.- Conformal Algebras in the Context of Linear Algebraic Groups.- Lie Color and Hom-Lie Algebras of Witt Type and Their Central Extensions.- A Note on Quasi-Lie and Hom-Lie Structures of ?-Derivations of C=[Z 1 ±1 ,...,Z n ±1 ].- Commutative Subalgebras in Noncommutative Algebras.- Algebraic Dependence of Commuting Elements in Algebras.- Crossed Product-Like and Pre-Crystalline Graded Rings.-Decomposition of the Enveloping Algebra so(5).

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