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Few Body Systems and Nuclear Forces II

8. International Conference Held in Graz, August 24-30, 1978
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
H. Zingl
87, Lecture Notes in Physics
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1 - PDF Watermark

A new stable dibaryon-erratum.- Nucleon-nucleon scattering phase shifts.- Potentials in review.- Two hadron interaction.- Off-shell effects in the nucleon-nucleon system.- Polarization Phenomena in two body systems.- Quark models of the Nuclear Force.- Experiments on the conservation or non-conservation of Isospin parity, and charge conjugation and time reversal invariance.- Nucleon-induced experiments above pion threshold.- Pion production in nucleon-nucleon scattering.- Pion-nucleus interactions.- Meson induced reactions in the three- and two-nucleon systems.- Nuclear reactions involving three particle systems.- Lepton scattering.- Recent work in three-body systems.- Low-energy three- and four-nucleon scattering experiments.- Polarization effects in the 3-body system.- Dynamics of four particle systems.- Three-body phenomenology for elementary particle systems.- Exact results for the scattering of three charged particles.- Highlights of the Third International Conference on Clustering Aspects of Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions.- Few-body aspects of the 6-nucleon system.- N-body systems.- Narrow resonances in the continuum.- Applications of few-body methods to other fields.- Twenty years of the few-body problem.- Recent progress in dispersion theoretical approach to nuclear forces.- Tensor analyzing powers in deuteron-proton elastic scattering and the breakup reaction at 45.4 MeV.- On polarization phenomena in proton-deuteron elastic scattering at medium and high energies.- The methods of solving the few-body problem in quantum mechanics.- Extension of the lane model to light nuclei.- Third cluster coefficient for square well discs.- Application of ATMS to the 4He trimer and tetramer.- Effects on the coulomb distortion on phase shifts and effective-range parameters in proton-proton scattering.- Limit on the applicability of the low theorem for proton-proton bremsstrahlung.- Optimal complete and optimal sufficient sets of experiments for elastic nucleon-nucleon scattering.- Polarization measurement in pp elastic scattering at 150 GeV/c between 0.2 2.- The tensor analyzing power a for elastic scattering of xz 20.2 MeV deuterons from 4He..- Evidence for fragment production via two body breakup.- p-d Scattering at very small relative energy observed in the FSI regions of the 3He(p,dp)p reaction at 156 Mev.- Finite cross section for three-particle scattering.- Charge-independent R-matrix analysis of the four-nucleon system.- Two-body scattering in force field.- Separable interaction of composite particles with inclusion of the Pauli principle.- ?? d ? ?nn and the effective range theory parameters ann and rnn.

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