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Cost Effectiveness Modelling for Health Technology Assessment

A Practical Course
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Richard Edlin
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has acted asa consultant for public and private sector organizations in Europe, North America and Australasia; most notably with NICE in the UK. His primary research interest is in the development of efficient research and development processes for biotherapies and devices in the context of value based reimbursement market access hurdles.
Cost Effectiveness Analysis and Health Technology Assessment: An overview. - Building a decision tree cost effectiveness model. - An introduction to sensitivity analysis in Cost Effectiveness Analysis. - Implementing Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis in Excel®. - Outputs from Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis-Part 1. - Introduction to Markov Cost Effectiveness Models. - Building a Markov Cost Effectiveness Model Part One - constructing the Markov structure. - Building a Markov Cost Effectiveness Model Part Two - Model Design Issues. - Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis Effectiveness Parameters. - Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis for Cost Parameters. - Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis for Utility Parameters. - Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis and Correlated Parameters - Cholesky Decomposition. - Outputs from Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis - Part 2. - Understanding Health Care as an investment: Break Even Curves and Net Benefit Probability Maps. - Cost effectiveness analysisand risk sharing for innovative technologies - Technology Leasing Schemes. - Policy Responses to Uncertainty in Health Technology Appraisal. - Value of Information Analysis Part 1: The Cost of Making the Wrong Decision. - Value of Information Analysis Part 2: Investing in reduced uncertainty.¿

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