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Proceedings of the 18th Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems - Volume 2

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Hisashi Handa
2, Proceedings in Adaptation, Learning and Optimization
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This book contains a collection of the papers accepted in the 18th Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems (IES 2014), which was held in Singapore from 10-12th November 2014. The papers contained in this book demonstrate notable intelligent systems with good analytical and/or empirical results.
A New Grammatical Evolution Based on Probabilistic Context-free Grammar.- An Adaptive Cauchy Differential Evolution Algorithm with Population Size Reduction and Modified Multiple Mutation Strategies.- A Bi-level Evolutionary Algorithm for Multi-Objective Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Window Constraints.- Analyzing Organization Structures and Performance through Agent-based Socio-technical Modeling.- A New Sign Distance-based Ranking Method for Fuzzy Numbers.- Application of Precise-Spike-Driven Rule in Spiking Neural Networks for Optical Character Recognition.- A Hybrid Differential Evolution Algorithm- Game Theory for the Berth Allocation Problem.- Hybrid Differential Evolution and Gravitational Search Algorithm for Nonconvex Economic Dispatch.- Automatic Evolutionary Music Composition Based on Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm.- Integration of Spatial and Spectral Information by Means of Sparse Representation-based Classification for Hyperspectral Imagery.- FQZip: lossless reference-based compression of next generation sequencing data in FASTQ format.- Emergent Effects from Simple Mechanisms in Supply Chain Models.- Integrated Solid Waste Management System Design under Uncertainty.- A Uniform Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition and Contraction for Many-objective Optimization Problems.- Cell Segmentation Using Binarization and Growing Neural Gas.- Self-adaptive Orthogonal Simplified Swarm Optimization for the Se-ries-Parallel Redundancy Allocation Problem.- Impact of the length of optical flow vectors in estimating time-to-contact an obstacle.- Evolving Emotion Recognition Module for Intelligent Agent.- A Novel Multi-objective Optimization Framework Combining NSGA-II and MOEA/D.- A Study on Multi-Level Robust Solution Search for Noisy Multi-Objective Optimization Problems.- Directional differential evolution: approaching to the superior, departing from the inferior, or both?.- Working memory training strategies and their influence on changesin brain activity and white matter.- A Decision Support System for Laptop Procurement Using Mixed Text and Image Analytics.- Numerical Simulations for Hybrid Electromagnetism-like Mechanism Optimization Algorithms with Descent Methods.- Feature Extraction for Classification of Welding Quality in RSW Systems.- Cross-Layer Secured IoT Network and Devices.- Inference of Opponent's Uncertain States in Ghosts Game using Machine Learning.- A Re-constructed Meta-heuristic Algorithm for Robust Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows under Uncertain Demands.- The Influence of Elitism Strategy on Migration Intervals of a Distributed Genetic Algorithm.- cuSaDE: A CUDA-based Parallel Self-adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm.- Mathematical theory for social phenomena to analyze popularity of social incidents quantitatively using social networks.- In-game action sequence analysis for game BOT detection on the big data analysis platform.- Multi-agent based Bus Route Optimization for Restricting Passenger Traffic Bottlenecks in Disaster Situations.- Simplified Swarm Optimization to solve the K-Harmonic Means Problem for Mining Data.- A Novel Evolutionary Multi-objective Algorithm Based on S Metric Selection and M2M Population Decomposition.- A New Equality Constraint-handling Technique: Unconstrained Search Space Proposal for Equality Constrained Optimization Problem.- Extended Local Clustering Organization with Rule-based Neighborhood Search for Job-shop Scheduling Problem.- Online Game Bot Detection in FPS game.- An Extended SHADE and its Evaluations.- Multi-agent Control System with Intelligent Optimization for Building Energy Management.- A Study on Neighborhood and Temperature in Multi-step Crossover Fusion for Tree Structure.- Considering Reputation in the Selection Strategy of Genetic Programming.- Nature-inspired Chemical Reaction Optimisation Algorithm for Handling Nurse Rostering Problem.- Multi Objective Optimization for Route Planning andFleet Assignment in Regular and Non-regular Flights.- Distance based locally informed Particle Swarm Optimizer with Dynamic Population Size.- Improve Robustness and Resilience of Networked Supply Chains.- An Efficient Representation for Genetic-Fuzzy Mining of Association Rules.- Medical Image Management System with Automatic Image Feature Tag Adding Functions.- The Impact of the Malfunction of a Sector in Supply Chain on the Ordering Policy of Each Sector.- Offline Design of Interactive Evolutionary Algorithms with Different Genetic Operators at Each Generation.- Memetic Algorithms of Graph-Based Estimation of Distribution Algorithms.- Extreme Learning Machine for Active RFID Location Classification.- An Experimental Study of Correlation between Text and Image Similarity by Information Fusion Approach.

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