Leaving of Ireland

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The Leaving of Ireland brings together an international group of scholars to reflect critically on the unfolding nature of the experience of Irish cultural identity at a time when Ireland is struggling to adjust to the shattering impacts of globalization and religious scandals of recent decades. Looking back over the last two centuries, the volume considers a range of literary and filmic works that have sought to articulate something of this experience and its multiple locations. The essays revisit crucial constituents of Irish history and self-perception at the micro-level, exploring the representation of individual experiences of migration and identification and the definition of a sense of belonging. They also examine these issues at the macro-level, looking at larger politico-historical transformations, national affiliations and changed social and geographical landscapes. The book is organized around key themes including history, mobility, memory and place and addresses the works of a wide range of authors, including Emily Lawless, Frank McCourt, Sinéad Morrissey, Paul Muldoon, Joseph O'Connor, J.M. Synge and W.B. Yeats.
Contents: Heidi Hansson: Roads to Nowhere: The Famine as Place in Emily Lawless's Writing - Katherina Dodou: Joseph O'Connor's Star of the Sea and the Travelling Memory of the Great Irish Famine - Malin Lidström Brock: Philomena and Ireland's Mother-and-Baby Homes - Mats Tegmark: The Price of the Prize: The Construction of «Irish» and «American» Subject Positions in Frank McCourt's Angela's Ashes - John Lynch: Religion, Migration and Church Abuse Scandals in the Media: Testimonies of Two Irish Religious Sisters - Michaela Schrage-Früh: Foreigners Within: Identity, Belonging and the Migrant Other in Barry McCrea's The First Verse and Sean O'Reilly's The Swing of Things - Robert Brazeau: Mobility, Sexuality and the Cult of Domesticity in J. M. Synge - Eóin Flannery: Embracing the 'Other': Colum McCann's Zoli (2006) - Hedda Friberg-Harnesk: On the Shifting Sands of Affinity: «Identity Migration» and Ideology in Liam O'Flaherty's Autobiographies - Britta Olinder: Migration and Belonging in Deirdre Madden's Novels - Anne Karhio: «Blurt it out like a Polaroid»: Framing Place in the Poetry of Paul Muldoon/Sinéad Morrissey - Ruben Moi: The Importance of Elsewheres and Cities in Paul Muldoon's Poetry - Eugene O'Brien: 'The Golden Calf ': Irish Crime and the Deconstruction of Irish Society - Charles I. Armstrong: An «Experiment in Living»: Bohemianism and Homelessness in W. B. Yeats's Autobiographies.

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