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Clinical Companion in Nephrology

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Jack Fairweather
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Allowing for concise reading on specific topics this book acts as both a quick reference text and study guide. The layout has been designed in a question and answer format in order to promote self-directed learning. Images and diagrams have been further standardized and improved for the new edition and remain a key feature of the book.
Part 1. Physiology and Assessment.- 1. Structure and Function of the Kidney.- 2. Assessment of GFR.- 3. Proteinuria.- 4. Haematuria.- Part 2. Disorders of Renal Metabolic Function.- 5. Hyponatraemia.- 6. Hypokalaemia.- 7. Hypocalcaemia and hypercalcaemia.- 8. Hypophosphataemia and hypomagnesaemia.- 9. Acid-base balance.- Part 3. Acute Kidney Injury.- 10. Causes of Acute Kidney Injury.- 11. Rhabdomyolysis.- 12. Cardiorenal Failure.- 13. Hepatorenal Syndrome.- 14. HUS/TTP in Adults.- 15. Myeloma and the Kidney.- 16. Investigation, management and outcome of Acute Kidney Injury.- 17. Fluid Management.- 18. Hyperkalaemia.- 19. Rapidly Progressive Glomerulonephritis.- Part 4. Chronic Kidney Disease.- 20. Overview of Chronic Kidney Disease.- 21. Glomerular Disease.- 22. Diabetes.- 23. Renovascular Disease.- 24. Hypertension.- 25. Antihypertensive Drugs.- 26. Polycystic Kidney Diseases.- 27. Anaemia.- 28. Mineral Metabolism.- 29. Nutrition in Renal Disease.- Part 5. Miscellaneous Renal.- 30. Gout and the Kidney.- 31. Urinary Tract Infection.- 32. Renal Stone Disease.- 33. Management of Pain.- 34. Pregnancy and Renal Disease.- 35. Blood Borne Viruses.- 36. Rarer Renal Diseases.-37. Kidney disease affecting common drugs.- 38. Common drugs affecting kidney disease. Part 6. Renal Replacement Therapy.- 39. Haemodialysis.- 40. Peritoneal Dialysis.- 41. Renal Transplantation.- 42. Hypertension and Fluid Balance in Dialysis Patients.- 43. Tunnelled Dialysis Catheters.- 44. Catheter Related Blood Stream Infection.- 45. The Challenges of Renal Replacement Therapy in the Elderly.- 46. Dialysis and Poisoning. Part 7 Practical Nephrology.- 47. Urinalysis/Microscopy.- 48.- Dialysis Line insertion,- 49.Renal Biopsy.- 50. Basic Concepts in Biopsy interpretation.

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