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Red Pill

The Truth About Leadership
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Paul Ballman
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2 - DRM Adobe

Paul Ballman has helped some of the biggest companies in the world get their leadership strategies on track. He has conducted detailed interviews with 2,000 leaders about what has worked for them and why. He has studied the simple success formulas and models that are peddled by gurus across the industry, and come to the conclusion that in the real world they just don't work. He now invites you to take the Red Pill and discover the truth about leadership. Why are the existing formulas for success continually found wanting? How can you tell a fad from enduring wisdom? What are the causes of the most spectacular leadership failures? And, most importantly, what can you do about it?

Entertaining, insightful and practical. RED PILL lets you become your own guru.

"Paul brings a unique perspective that enables leaders and their teams to succeed." - Andy Briggs, CEO Aviva UK & Ireland and Chairman of Global Life

"The antidote to all those 'leadership' books you have read because you felt you had to..." - John Forrest, Former COO Premier Inn

"Refreshing and inspiring... should be a bible for all leaders." - Stephen Page, CEO Faber & Faber
Introduction: The Panacea Problem
Overview of This Book
Chapter 1 Customers First: Why Only The Good Stories Get Told
Chapter 2 Playing Chicken With A Cliff: Why Past Success Doesn't Always Predict Future Success
Chapter 3 The Smartest Guys In The Room: The Compelling Nature Of CEOs
Chapter 4 It's Just Maths: How Statistics Can Explain Why Good Companies Get Worse
Chapter 5 Dedicated Followers Of Fashion:Why We All Want The Next Big Thing
Chapter 6 Living In A Bubble: Why Gurus Are Always A Part Of The Illusion Of The Day
Chapter 7 Too Much Of A Good Thing: How All Strengths Can Be Overdone
Chapter 8 Hall Of Mirrors: The Impact Of Observation On The Observed
Chapter 9 Show Me The Money:Solutions Sell
Chapter 10 No More Heroes Anymore:The Red Pill Leader Is Revealed

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