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Principles and Practice
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Anne J. Moore
Springer Specialist Surgery Series
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This book provides coverage of a broad range of topics in the ?eld of neurosurgery, 5 for residents and registrars in training and for recent graduates of training programs. 6 As neurosurgical training incorporates expertise from centers worldwide, there is a 7 need to have input from specialists in neurosurgery from various countries. This text 8 is a compilation by expert authors in the USA and the UK to provide information on 9 the basic knowledge and clinical management required for optimal care of neuro- 2011 surgical patients. 1 The text is an up-to-date synopsis of the ?eld of neurosurgery from American and 2 British perspectives, which covers the most common clinical conditions encountered 3 by neurosurgeons. The chapters are organized under broad topics, including inves- 4 tigative studies, perioperative care, the role of newer techniques and the management 5 of tumors, vascular and traumatic lesions. Additional topics are then covered, includ- 6 ing pediatrics, spine and peripheral nerve lesions, as well as functional neurosurgery 7 and infections. We anticipate that trainees will ?nd this information useful for certi?- 8 cation examinations and recent graduates of neurosurgical training programs can 9 utilize this text as an update of the most important neurosurgical topics.
Investigations.- Neurophysiology.- Neuroradiology and Ultrasound.- Neuropathology.- Perioperative Care.- Neuroanesthesia.- Neurosurgical Intensive Care.- Techniques.- Neuroendoscopy.- Principles and Practice of Image-guided Neurosurgery.- Stereotactic Radiosurgery.- Tumors.- Low-grade Gliomas in Adults.- Neurosurgical Management of High-grade Gliomas.- Sellar and Parasellar Tumors.- Meningiomas.- Intraventricular and Pineal Region Tumors.- Cerebello-pontine Angle Tumors.- Skull Base Tumors.- Tumors: Cerebral Metastases and Lymphoma.- Vascular.- Cerebral Blood Flow: Physiology and Measurement Techniques.- Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.- Interventional Neuroradiology.- Arteriovenous Malformations.- Trauma.- Management of Severe Head Injury.- Spine Injuries.- Rehabilitation of Neurologically Injured Patients.- Hydrocephalus.- Hydrocephalus and Shunts.- Pediatrics.- Craniosynostosis.- Syndromic Craniosynostosis.- Spinal Dysraphism.- Pediatric Neuro-oncology.- Spine.- Management of Spinal Tumors.- Management of Extradural Spinal Tumors.- Degenerative Disease of the Cervical Spine.- Peripheral and Cranial Nerves.- Peripheral and Cranial Nerve Injury.- Functional Neurosurgery.- Pain.- Epilepsy Surgery.- Functional Neurosurgery for Movement Disorders.- Infection.- Infections in the Central Nervous System.- Infections in Neurological Surgery.- Ischemic Stroke and Carotid Endarterectomy.

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