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Progress in Education. Volume 68

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Roberta V. Nata
eBook Typ:
eBook Format:
2 - DRM Adobe

This edited volume includes ten chapters, each of which provides a unique perspective on specific topics in the field of education. Chapter One demonstrate how gender subtexts are both communicated and resisted, are relevant for postsecondary systems facing sustained inequity despite anti-discrimination policies. Chapter Two concludes that online music lessons can be of benefit for an enhanced sense of well-being during a global pandemic. Chapter Three findings suggest that direct instruction, modeling, physicalizing the meaning of words and unscripted verbal interactions were key to boosting the speaking skills of K-2 ELLs. Chapter Four aims at developing recommendations for promoting the innovation policy of universities in Georgia and other developing countries. Chapter Five highlight the importance of an early intervention programme applied to children with language difficulties in order to improve their academic, social and behavioral difficulties early in life (i.e., while they are in kindergarten), and to improve therefore school success later in their life. Chapter Six focusses on Science Education and Sustainability Science and based on an exploratory qualitative methodology, offers an overview of the main reference theories and a case analysis. Chapter Seven discuss both undergraduate and graduate programs in Business Administration from which general management specialists graduate. Lastly, Chapter Eight study modern information systems, within the field of taxation, and an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages, alongside theoretical educational courses in higher educational establishments, appears germane.

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