Hermann Hesse’s Global Impact

Past, Present, Future

Erstverkaufstag: 10.12.2024

112,55 €*

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Ingo Cornils
229x152x0 mm
Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture

A timely collection of new essays arguing for the continuing relevance and impact of Hesse's works around the world.
Foreword: Hermann Hesse: Going Global before Globalization - Volker MichelsIntroduction: Rethinking Hermann Hesse's Global Impact - Ingo CornilsPART I: Hesse's Literary Impact1. Hermann Hesse's Democratization of World Literature - John Pizer2. A World Literature of One's Own: Hermann Hesse and the Digital Age - Adam Roberts3. Hermann Hesse in Cultural Memory: Intertextual Traces in American, Japanese, and German Literature - Helga Esselborn-Krumbiegel4. "Jugendgedenken" (Memories of Youth): The Impact of a Hermann Hesse Short Story in Japan over 70 Years - Yoichi Yamamoto5. Hilda Rosner's Labor of Love: How a Mysterious Outsider Extended Hesse's Global Reach - Christopher NewtonPART II: Hesse's Cultural Impact6. Beneath the Wheel of Heteronormativity: Queer Representation in Hermann Hesse's Unterm Rad - Oscar von Seth7. The Intertextual Wings of Abraxas: Hermann Hesse Meets BTS, Korean Pop Music's Most Influential Band - Jennifer Walker8. Hermann Hesse's Impact on Mainland China - Chunhua Zhan9. Contemporary Marathi "Versions" of Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha-An "Indian Novel" in Translation - Shrikant Arun Pathak and Girissha Ameya Tilak10. Hesse on Film: Narziss und Goldmund (2020) in Context - Christiane SchönfeldPART III: Hesse's Philosophical Impact11. Hermann Hesse: Searching for an Ethos of Humanity - Karl-Josef Kuschel12. On Hesse and Gardening - Flavia Arzeni13. Struggling with Technology: Hermann Hesse's View on How to Live Well with Craft, Modern, and Cybernetic Technologies - Thomas Taro Lennerfors, Thomas Cyron, and Michal Zawadzki14. Your own personal Buddha: Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha: Depicting Constructivist Experiential Learning through Internal Focalization - Carina Gröner15. Depression and Therapy in Hermann Hesse's Works - Laszlo V. SzaboConclusionA Novel Approach to Understanding Hermann Hesse's Global Impact through the Notion of Spiritual Capital - Neale CunninghamSelect BibliographyList of ContributorsIndex

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