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Progress in Education. Volume 52

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Roberta V Nata
eBook Typ:
eBook Format:
2 - DRM Adobe

Progress in Education. Volume 52 opens with an analysis of the Alps in the context of introducing innovative approaches for sustainable mobility. Alpine areas receive millions of visits by tourists traveling by car each year, exceeding the carrying capacity of these areas and thus decreasing the quality of the visitor experience. The authors aim to improve the development of sustainable tourism and gain a competitive advantage within the tourism market.This collection goes on to argue that successful schooling encompasses much more than just academic performance. Students attend school to appreciate and acquire other achievement-related attributes, such as subjective well-being experiences, proactive engagement, and the seeking of mastery in different disciplinary areas. The authors contend that this line of inquiry may yield a number of educational significance for teachers, school administrators, and stakeholders to consider.Next, this collection examines recent developments in the dynamics and complexity of cultural identities between the state and politics in Hong Kong that have shaped values and music education in light of the twentieth anniversary of the handover to China and the construction of values education through school music education. It is argued that preparations for values education might pose a challenge to how musical meanings and non-musical meanings should be delineated and delivered in the school curriculum.The widespread and debilitating effects of mathematics anxiety are experienced at all educational levels and in most countries around the world. Thus, the authors set out to illuminate this problem for educators and suggest ways to reduce mathematics anxiety among their students.Given the increase in dynamic environments associated with educational reform, it is important to reassess whether transformational leadership remains the most effective approach to change in educational settings, and if not, whether alternative approaches might be considered. From this perspective, an integrative literature review explores recent evidence to examine the effects of transformational leadership in educational reform settings.

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