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The Fight Against Impunity in EU Law

 Ebook (Epub & Mobi)
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Ebook (Epub & Mobi)
Luisa Marin
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The fight against impunity is an increasingly central concept in EU law-making and adjudication. What is the meaning and the scope of impunity as a legal concept in the EU legal order? How does the fight against impunity influence policy and adjudication?This timely first piece of comprehensive research aims to to address these largely unexplored questions, which involve structural institutional and substantive dilemmas underpinning the most recent developments of the European integration process. In recent years, the fight against impunity has become a pressing concern for the European institutions. It has shaped several EU policies and has led to a recurring argument in the case law of the Court of Justice. The book sheds light on this elusive notion, providing a much needed conceptual appraisal. The first section examines the scope of the notion of impunity, and its role in the EU decision-making process and in the development of EU competences. Subsequent sections discuss the implications of impunity - and of the fight against it - in a variety of complementary domains, namely the allocation of criminal jurisdiction, mutual recognition instruments, the rise of new surveillance technologies and the external dimension of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. This book is an original and timely contribution to scholarship, which is of interest to academics, researchers and policy-makers alike.
1. Introduction: Is There a Fight against Impunity in the EU Legal System? Luisa Marin and Stefano Montaldo PART AIMPUNITY IN EU LAW: A CONCEPTUAL APPRAISAL2. Conceptualising Impunity in the Law of the European Union Valsamis Mitsilegas3. Fundamental Rights-Oriented Repression in the EU? Exploring the Potential and Limits of an Impunity Rationale to Justify Criminalisation in the EU Legal Order Jannemieke Ouwerkerk4. The Role of the Fight against Impunity in EU Criminal Policy Preparation and Evaluation Wouter van Ballegooij PART BTHE FIGHT AGAINST IMPUNITY AND THE ALLOCATION OF CRIMINAL JURISDICTION IN THE EU5. EU Substantive Criminal Law and Jurisdiction Clauses: Claiming Jurisdiction to Fight Impunity? Martin Bose6. Between Impunity and the Protection of Fundamental Rights: The Case Law of the CJEU and the ECtHR on the ne bis in idem PrincipleBas van Bockel7. Impunity and Conflicts of Jurisdiction within the EU: The Role of Eurojust and Challenges for Fundamental Rights Athina Giannakoula8. The Fight against Impunity between EU and National Legal Orders: What Role for the EPPO? Costanza Di Francesco Maesa PART CTHE FIGHT AGAINST IMPUNITY AND THE EU INSTRUMENTS IMPLEMENTING THE PRINCIPLEOF MUTUAL RECOGNITION IN CRIMINAL MATTERS9. The European Supervision Order: The Need for a New Culture of Combating Impunity Serena Quattrocolo10. Information Sharing as a Tool in the Fight against Impunity in the European UnionFrancesca Galli11. Clash of the Titans: The Fight against Impunity versus Social Rehabilitation and the Protection of Fundamental Rights within the Framework of Prisoner Transfers in the EU Alessandro Rosano PART DIMPUNITY AND NEW SURVEILLANCE TECHNOLOGIES UNDER EU LAW12. Stepping Up the Fight against Impunity in EU Law: Access to Immigration Databases by National Law Enforcement Authorities and Europol Niovi Vavoula13. Enhancing Policing through Algorithmic Surveillance Mariavittoria Catanzariti14. Fighting Impunity with New Tools: How Big Data, Algorithms, Machine Learning and AI Shape the New Era of Criminal Justice Mojca M Plesnicar, AleS ZavrSnik and Pika sarf PART ETHE FIGHT AGAINST IMPUNITY AND THE EXTERNAL DIMENSION OF THE AFSJ15. International Fight against Impunity and EU Counter-Terrorism Law: The Case of Foreign Terrorist Fighters 9Ermioni Xanthopoulou and Theodore Konstadinides16. Impunity and EU or Member States' Extradition Agreementswith Third Countries Stefano Saluzzo17. Commercial Data Transfers and Liaison Officers: What Data Protection Rules Apply in the Fight against Impunity When Third Countries Are Involved? Christina Eckes and Dominique Barnhoorn18. The Court of Justice of the European Union and the International Criminal Court: The Fight against Impunity between Complementarity and Mandatory Requirements Aurora Rasi

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