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Bioinformatics in MicroRNA Research

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Jingshan Huang
1617, Methods in Molecular Biology
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1 - PDF Watermark

This thorough volume provides an in-depth introduction to and discussion of microRNAs (miRs) and their targets, miR functions, and computational techniques applied in miR research, thus serving the need for a comprehensive book focusing on miR target genes, miR regulation mechanisms, miR functions performed in various human diseases, and miR databases/knowledgebases. Without prior knowledge of the area of study, computational biologists, computer scientists, bioinformaticians, bench biologists, as well as clinical investigators will find it easy to follow the techniques in this collection. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include the kind of detailed implementation advice that ensures successful results.
MicroRNAs, Long Non-Coding RNAs, and Their Functions in Human Disease.- MicroRNA Expression: Protein Participants in MicroRNA Regulation.- Viral MicroRNAs, Host MicroRNAs Regulating Viruses, and Bacterial MicroRNA-Like RNAs.- MicroRNAs: Biomarkers, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics.- Relational Databases and Biomedical Big Data.- Semantic Technologies and Bio-Ontologies.- Genome-Wide Analysis of MicroRNA-Regulated Transcripts.- Computational Prediction of MicroRNA Target Genes, Target Prediction Databases, and Web Resources.- Exploring MicroRNA::Target Regulatory Interactions by Computing Technologies.- The Limitations of Existing Approaches in Improving MicroRNA Target Prediction Accuracy.- Genomic Regulation of MicroRNA Expression in Disease Development.- Next Generation Sequencing for MicroRNA Expression Profile.- Handling High-Dimension (High-Feature) MicroRNA Data.- Effective Removal of Noisy Data Via Batch Effect Processing.- Logical Reasoning (Inferencing) on MicroRNA Data.- Machine Learning Techniques in Exploring MicroRNA Gene Discovery, Targets, and Functions.- Involvement of MicroRNAs in Diabetes and Its Complications.- MicroRNA Regulatory Networks as Biomarkers in Obesity: The Emerging Role.- Expression of MicroRNAs in Thyroid Carcinoma.

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