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Control of Energy Metabolism

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Britton Chance
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Control of Energy Metabolism: A Colloquium of the Johnson Research Foundation focuses on the processes, reactions, and approaches involved in the control of energy metabolism. The selection first offers information on the respiratory chain as a model for metabolic control in multi-enzyme systems, dynamics and control in cellular reactions, and computer-based analysis of biochemical data. The text then explores purification and properties of rabbit skeletal muscle phosphofructokinase; multiple forms of heart phosphofructokinase; and mechanisms of inhibition and activation of phosphofructokinase in Novikoff ascites tumor cells. Discussions focus on the properties of purified phosphofructokinase; effect of heart extracts on reactivation of phosphofructokinase; active and inactive forms of phosphofructokinase; and effect of hexose phosphate and adenylic nucleotides on reactivation of phosphofructokinase.The manuscript takes a look at enzyme and metabolite profiles; coordinated stimulation of hexokinase and phosphofructokinase by phosphate in a reconstituted system of glycolysis; control of hexokinase in ascites tumor glycolysis; and cation flux across the mitochondrial membrane as a possible pacemaker of tissue metabolism. The selection is a vital reference for biochemists and researchers interested in the control of energy metabolism.
List of ParticipantsPrefaceControl Characteristics of Enzymes and Enzyme Systems in Vitro Opening Remarks Introductory Remarks I. Theoretical Aspects of Control Properties in Enzyme Systems The Respiratory Chain as a Model for Metabolic Control in Multi-Enzyme Systems Dynamics and Control in Cellular Reactions II. Computer Studies Computer Based Analysis of Biochemical Data III. Phosphofructokinase: Its Purification, Crystallization, and Kinetic Properties Phosphofructokinase Purification and Properties of Rabbit Skeletal Muscle Phosphofructokinase Phosphofructokinase from Rabbit Muscle Some Properties of Fructose-6-Phosphate Kinase from Rabbit Skeletal Muscle Multiple Forms of Heart Phosphofructokinase On the Mechanism of Inhibition and Activation of Phosphofructokinase in Novikoff Ascites Tumor Cells Control Properties of Phosphofructokinase from Saccharomyces cerevisia A Computer Simulation Study of the Metabolic Control Behavior of Phosphofructokinase SummaryEnzyme Content, Substrate and Cofactor Availability, and Cation Transport as Factors in Metabolic Regulation IV. Enzyme Profile Patterns and Reconstituted Systems Enzyme and Metabolite Profiles Enzyme Profile and Beef Heart Supernatant Fraction Comment Coordinated Stimulation of Hexokinase and Phosphofructokinase by Phosphate in a Reconstituted System of Glycolysis A Reconstituted Enzyme System V. Control in Single-Cellular Systems Due to Pi or ADP Availability Control Characteristics of the Adenine Nucleotide System ADP and Pi Control in Ascites Tumor Cells The Control of Hexokinase in Ascites Tumor Glycolysis On the Control of Glycolysis in Novikoff Ascites Tumor Cells The Control of Glycolysis in Yeast VI. The Role of Cations in Metabolic Control Cation Flux Across the Mitochondrial Membrane as a Possible Pacemaker of Tissue Metabolism A Role of Sodium and Potassium in Metabolic Control The Role of Na+ and K+ on a-Aminoisobutyric Acid Transport in Striated Muscle VII. Control Due to Changes of Enzyme Content On Transitory and Periodic Systems in Bacteria On the Direction of Pyridine Nucleotide Oxidation-Reduction Reactions in Gluconeogenesis and Lipogenesis On the Biochemical Imprinting of Metabolic Experience in Liver Cells Adaptive Behavior of Citrate Cleavage Enzyme Some Aspects of Metabolic Control in the Fertilization Transition of Sea Urchin EggsControl of Metabolism in Intact Tissues Introductory Remarks VIII. Regulation of Glycolytic Activity in Smooth and Skeletal Muscles Activation of Glycolytic Pathway in Muscle The Response of the Glycolytic System of Anaerobic Frog Sartorius Muscle to Electrical Stimulation Some Biochemical Properties of Intestinal Smooth Muscle in Relation to the Physiological Actions of Epinephrine IX. Regulation of Metabolism in Brain Effects of Altered Brain Metabolism on the Levels of Krebs Cycle Intermediates X. Regulation of Glycolytic Activity in Heart Muscle Metabolic Control in the Perfused Rat Heart Regulation of Glucose Transport Fatty Acid Induced Alterations in Citric Acid Cycle IntermediatesBicentennial Lectures on Control of Energy Metabolism Energy Transformation in the Generation of Bioelectricity Control of Energy Metabolism. Bioenergetics of Muscular Contraction Hemoglobin-Free Perfusion of Rat Liver Control of Energy Metabolism in MitochondriaIndex

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