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The Tomb of Tutankhamun: Volume 2

The Burial Chamber
 Ebook (Epub & Mobi)
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Ebook (Epub & Mobi)
Howard Carter
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2 - DRM Adobe

The discovery of the resting place of the great Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun [Tut.ankh.Amen] in November 1922 by Howard Carter and the fifth Earl of Carnarvon was the greatest archaeological find the world had ever seen. Despite its plundering by thieves in antiquity, the burial of the king lay intact with its nest of coffins and funerary shrines, surrounded by a mass of burial equipment arranged in three peripheral chambers.Following on from the first volume's account of the search for and initial discovery of the team, in the second volume Howard Carter recounts the discovery of the king's burial chamber: the breakthrough to the four protective shrines, the revelation of the quartz-sandstone sarcophagus, the king's three coffins (his own of pure gold) and the bejewelled mummy of the Pharaoh himself. Now available in the Bloomsbury Revelations series, the book includes over 150 photographs of the treasures that lay within the great burial chamber of Tutankhamun.
ForewordPrefaceList of PlatesIntroduction: Remarks Upon Egyptian Art1. Tut.Ankh.Amen2. The Tomb and The Burial Chamber3. Clearing the Burial Chamber and Opening the Sarcophagus4. The State Chariots5. The Opening of the Three Coffins (Season 1925-26)6. Points of Interest in Egyptian Burial Customs7. The Examination of the Royal MummyAppendix I: Report Upon the Examination of Tut.Ankh.Amen's MummyAppendix II: The Chemistry of the TombAppendix III: Report on the Floral Wreaths Found in the Coffins of Tut.Ankh.AmenAppendix IV: Notes on Objects from the TombAppendix V: Report on the Examination of Specimens from the Tomb of King Tut.Ankh.AmenAppendix VI: Description of the ObjectsIndex

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