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Dietary Sugars and Health

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Michael I. Goran
eBook Typ:
eBook Format:
2 - DRM Adobe

Dietary sugars, fructose in particular, have potential roles in obesity and metabolic diseases. This book is the first comprehensive treatment presenting all aspects of dietary sugars as they relate to health and disease, from historical perspectives to public health policies. Sections focus on the classification and production of sugars, social and economic aspects of sugars, physiology and metabolism of dietary sugars, and sugar and public health. Each chapter features a concise, thorough summary of current knowledge, including an overview of cutting-edge research, controversies, and future perspectives.
Social Aspects of Dietary Sugars. Political Economies of Sugar: Views from a Former Sugarcane Industry. Sugars in Beverages and Body Weight. Sugars in Confectionery Products: Technical Functions and Links to Health Outcomes. Effects of Dietary Sugars from Natural Sources on Health Outcomes. High-Fructose Syrup-So, What is it Exactly? Nutrition Economics Related to Consumption of Dietary Sugars. Sugar Consumption in the Food and Beverage Supply Across the Globe. Dietary Intake and Availability of Fructose and Sweeteners in the USA. Sugars and Metabolic Disorders in Animal Models Including Primates. Contributions of Sugars to Metabolic Disorders in Human Models. Sugars, Obesity, and Chronic Diseases in Adults. Impact of Dietary Sugars on Obesity and Metabolic Risk During Critical Periods of Growth and Development. Mechanisms by which Dietary Sugars Influence Lipid Metabolism, Circulating Lipids and Lipoproteins, and Cardiovascular Risk. Sugars, Fructose, Hypertension, and Kidney Disease. The Effect of Sugars on Markers of Cardiometabolic Disease: An Overview of Meta-Analyses. Mechanisms of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Induced by Dietary Sugars: Methods of Investigation. Dietary Sugars and Dental Health. Dietary Sugars and Cancer Risk. Dietary Sugars and Physical Performance. Toward Evidence-Based Policies for Reduction of Dietary Sugars: Lessons from the Alcohol Experience. Index.

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