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Fundamentals of Picoscience

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Klaus D. Sattler
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2 - DRM Adobe

Ushering in the next technological era, this state-of-the-art book focuses on the instrumentation and experiments emerging at the picometer scale. International scientists and researchers at the forefront of the field address the key challenges in developing new instrumentation and techniques to visualize and measure structures at this sub-nanometer level. The book helps you understand how picoscience is an extension of nanoscience, determine which experimental technique to use in your research, and connect basic studies to the development of next-generation picoelectronic devices.
Picoscale Detection: Picometer Detection by Adaptive Holographic Interferometry. Single Atom in an Optical Cavity: An Open Quantum System. Measurements of Subnanometer Molecular Layers. Electrostatic Potential Mapping in Electron Holography. Picoscale Characterization: Interferometric Measurements at the Picometer Scale. Protein Crystallography at Subatomic Resolution. X-Ray Optics: Toward Subnanometer Focusing. Picoscale Imaging: Imaging Small Molecules by Scanning Probe Microscopy. Neutron Holographic Imaging with Picometer Accuracy. Subnanometer-Scale Electron Microscopy Analysis. Atomic-Scale Imaging of Dielectric Point Defects. Picometer-Scale Dynamical Single-Molecule Imaging by High-Energy Probe. Scanning Probe Microscopy: Atomic-Resolution Frequency Modulation. Theory for Picoscale Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. Electrochemical STM: Atomic Structure of Metal/Electrolyte Interfaces. Cold-Atom Scanning Probe Microscopy: An Overview. Atomic Resolution Ultrafast Scanning Tunneling Microscope. Electron Orbitals: Imaging Atomic Orbitals with the Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. STM of Quantum Corrals. Attosecond Imaging of Molecular Orbitals. Picoscale Electron Density Analysis of Organic Crystals. Atomic-Scale Magnetism: Atomic-Scale Magnetism Studied by Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy. Atomic and Molecular Magnets on Surfaces. Spin Inelastic Electron Spectroscopy for Single Magnetic Atoms. Picowires: Ferromagnetism in One-Dimensional Atomic Chains. Carbon Atomic Chains. Single-Atom Electromigration in Atomic-Scale Conductors. Picometer Positioning: Picometer Positioning Using a Femtosecond Optical Comb. Detection of Subnanometer Ultrasonic Displacements. Picometer-Scale Optical Noninterferometric Displacement Measurements. Direct Observation of the X-Ray-Induced Atomic Motion. Picoscale Devices:

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