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Data Mining for Social Network Data

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Nasrullah Memon
12, Annals of Information Systems
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1 - PDF Watermark

Social Network Data Mining: Research Questions, Techniques, and ApplicationsNasrullah Memon, Jennifer Xu, David L. Hicks and Hsinchun ChenAutomatic expansion of a social network using sentiment analysisHristo Tanev, Bruno Pouliquen, Vanni Zavarella and Ralf SteinbergerAutomatic mapping of social networks of actors from text corpora: Time series analysisJames A. Danowski and Noah CepelaA social network based recommender system (SNRS)Jianming He and Wesley W. ChuNetwork analysis of U.S. air transportation networkGuangying Hua, Yingjie Sun, and Dominique HaughtonIdentifying high-status nodes in knowledge networksSiddharth Kaza and Hsinchun ChenModularity for bipartite networksTsuyoshi MurataONDOCS: Ordering nodes to detect overlapping community structureJiyang Chen, Osmar R. Zaiane, J¿org Sander, and Randy GoebelFramework for Fast Identification of Community Structures in Large-Scale Social NetworksYutaka I. Leon-Suematsu and Kikuo YutaGeographically organized small communities and the hardness of clustering social networksMiklós Kurucz and András A. BenczúrIntegrating genetic algorithms and fuzzy logic for web structure optimizationIltae Lee, Negar Koochakzadeh, Keivan Kianmehr, Reda Alhajj, and Jon Rokne
Social Network Data Mining: Research Questions, Techniques, and Applications.- Automatic Expansion of a Social Network Using Sentiment Analysis.- Automatic Mapping of Social Networks of Actors from Text Corpora: Time Series Analysis.- A Social Network-Based Recommender System (SNRS).- Network Analysis of US Air Transportation Network.- Identifying High-Status Nodes in Knowledge Networks.- Modularity for Bipartite Networks.- ONDOCS: Ordering Nodes to Detect Overlapping Community Structure.- Framework for Fast Identification of Community Structures in Large-Scale Social Networks.- Geographically Organized Small Communities and the Hardness of Clustering Social Networks.- Integrating Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Logic for Web Structure Optimization.

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