Culturally Adaptive Counseling Skills

Demonstrations of Evidence-Based Practices
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Miguel E Gallardo
544 g
246x186x17 mm

This book is a practical volume that will help lectuers and students see demonstrations of multicultural counseling in practice. The text covers evidence-based practices for working with five major ethnic groups, while weaving in other factors such as gender, disability, sexuality, and more. Each chapter has two case studies by an invited expert who also provides commentary and lessons drawing upon each case.
Foreword - J. Manuel Casas1. Introduction and Overview - AuthorsPart I - African Centered Applications of the SISM2. Delivering Culturally Competent Therapeutic Services to African American Clients - Thomas A. Parham3. Case Illustration: Reflections on the Culturally Adaptive Model of Counseling for Persons of African Descent - Cheryl Tawede Grills4. Case Illustration: Exploring African American Case with the AA-SISM - Anderson J. FranklinPart II - Sociocultural Specific Therapeutic Skills for Latina/os: Expanding Our Evidence-Based Practice Perspectives5. Therapists as Cultural Architects and Systemic Advocates - Miguel E. Gallardo6. Case Illustration: Evidence-based Practice with Latina/o Adolescents and Families - I. David Acevedo-Polakovich, PhD & Cheryl Gering, MA7. Case Illustration: Implementation and Application of Latina/o Values in Practice - Susana O. SalgadoPart III - Culturally Adapted Counseling Skills for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders8. Working with Asian American and Pacific Islander Clients - Christine J. Yeh9. Case Illustration: Culturally Adaptive Model of Counseling - Nita Tewari & Arpana Inman10. Case Illustration: A Culturally Adaptive Conceptualization for 1.5 Generation of Southeast Asian Americans - Jorge Wong & Kao Chiu Saechao, M.S.W.Part IV - North American Indian and Alaska Native Communities: Moving Beyond the Surface Level11. Working with North American Indian and Alaska Native Clients - Joseph E. Trimble12. Case Illustration: The Treatment of PTSD with a Laguna Pueblo Woman - Jeff King13. Case Illustration: The Throw Away Boy: The Case of of an Eastern Woodlands American Indian Adolescent - Gayle Skawennio Morse & Angela M. EnnoPart V - Challenging Misperceptions and Widening the Lens: Middle Eastern Americans14. Middle Eastern Americans (MEA) in Therapy: An Application of the Skills Identification Stage Model - Maryam Sayyedi, Noha Alshugairi & Metra Azar Salem15. Case Illustration: The Case of Kian: Application of the MEA-SISM - Maryam Sayyedi, Noha Alshugairi & Metra Azar Salem16. Case Illustration: The Case of Mena and Ahmad: Application of the MEA-SISM - Maryam Sayyedi, Noha Alshugairi & Metra Azar SalemPart VI - Where do we go from here: Education, Training, Practice and Research Implications17. "So what should I actually do?" Developing Skills for Greater Multicultural Competence - Rebecca L. Toporek18. Multicultural Counseling in a Multitheoretical Context: New Applications for Practice - Jeff E. Harris19. Ecological and Culturally Responsive Directions for the Skills Identification Stage Model - Yeh et al.Afterword - Janet Helms

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