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The Tribulation Trilogy in its Jewish Setting (Rapture and Tribulation, #1)

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Mike Johnston
Rapture and Tribulation
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This is volume 1 in the Rapture and Tribulation Series. The Bible presents God overseeing two overarching programs: one for heaven, the other for earth (Gen. 1:1). God's program for heaven involves the mystery Body of Christ and our inheritance there in heaven with Christ (Eph. 1:3, 20; 2:6), "kept secret since the world began" (Rom. 16:25). His program for earth involves prophecy for Israel concerning the coming Davidic Covenant Kingdom (2 Sam. 7:16) aka the Millennial Reign of Christ prepared "from the foundation of the world" (Matt. 25:34). Israel's earthly future has progressively unfolded to her "by the mouth of the prophets since the world began" (Luke 1:70) in "time past" (Eph. 2:11-12; see Luke 24:27, 44; Acts 14:16; Heb. 1:1) to be fulfilled in the "ages to come" (Eph. 2:7). The Kingdom will be inaugurated following the Revelation of the Lord Jesus to Israel (Zech. 14; Rev. 19:11-21) which occurs "immediately after the tribulation" (Deut. 4:30; Matt. 24:29) or Daniel s seventieth week (Dan. 9:24-27), a time when God will punish the world for sin while preparing Israel for the Kingdom (Jer. 30-31; Ezek. 20:37; 22:18-22; Hos. 5:15). If the Body of Christ (church) is present on earth during Israel's tribulation (Deut. 4:30; Isa. 24; Jer. 30-31; Joel; Zephaniah; Matt. 24; Rev. 6-19), the Holy Spirit went to great lengths to keep us from knowing it. To wit, while we can easily find Israel and the anti-Semitic Gentile nations on earth during the tribulation - aka "the time of Jacob's trouble" (Jer. 30:7; Dan. 12:1), the heavenly Body of Christ - which has been promised deliverance from this divine punishment (1 Thess. 1:10; 5:9; 2 Thess. 2:5-7; Rev. 3:10; see also Rev. 4:1) - is conspicuously absent (Rev. 6-19). In fact, there isn't a verse anywhere in the Bible clearly and unequivocally placing the Body of Christ on earth for a single moment of Israel's holocaust without redefining the words "saints" and "elect", which in Daniel, the Olivet Discourse and Revelation specifically refer to Israel.
Book info: 135 pages in 8.5 x 11 format containing 68,000 words including hundreds Bible references (KJV), extensive annotations, charts, and a handy subject index followed by clarification appendices.

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