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Comparative Political Economy

States, Markets and Global Capitalism
 Ebook (PDF)
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Ebook (PDF)
Ben Clift
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This is a book about how 21st-century capitalism really works. Modern economics strips away social, historical, and political context from analysis of 'the economic', but the economy is far too important to leave exclusively to the economists. Comparative Political Economy (CPE) is a much broader, richer intellectual undertaking which 're-embeds' the analysis of the economic within the social and political realm. This is at the heart of how to think like a political economist.This text maps the terrain and evolution of CPE, providing the analytical tools to explore the many variants of capitalism, unearthing their roots in competing visions of the desirable distribution of the fruits of growth. Connecting CPE systematically to the subfield of International Political Economy (IPE), the book explains how these visions generate ongoing political struggles over how to regulate and manage capitalism. This is the perfect introduction to the field for all students of CPE and IPE. New to this Edition:- Fully revised and updated throughout to take into account the latest empirical and theoretical developments in this fast-moving field- A brand New chapter on the political economy of inequality, populism, Trump & Brexit- New expanded 'how to use this book' aimed at student readers- More coverage of the types of economies covered, to move from an exclusively Western focus to cover developing and emerging global economies
1. Introduction: The Focus and Rationale of the Book 2. Comparative Political Economy: Lineages From Classical Political Economy, Linkages To International Political Economy 3. Capitalism & Classical Political Economy 4. Disciplinary Politics and the Genealogy of Comparative Political Economy 5. Interest-based Analysis and Comparative Political Economy 6. Institutional Analysis and Comparative Political Economy 7. Ideational Analysis and Comparative Political Economy 8. The Comparative Political Economy of the State 9. Comparative Capitalisms 10.The Comparative Political Economy of Finance and Corporate Governance 11.The Comparative Political Economy of Welfare 12.Inequality, the Political and Social Settlement Underpinning Advanced Capitalisms 13.The Comparative Method and Comparative Political Economy 14. Conclusion.

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