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Religion in America

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
John Corrigan
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eBook Format:
2 - DRM Adobe

This comprehensive narrative account of religion in America from the sixteenth century through the present depicts the religious life of the American people within the context of American society. It addresses topics ranging from the European origins of American religious thought and the diversity of religion in America, to the relation of nationhood with religious practice and the importance of race, ethnicity, and gender in American religious history.
Preface. Introduction: Land, People, and Nation. Part I Religion in a Colonial Context, 1492-1789. Chapter One: Backgrounds and Beginnings. Chapter Two: The Atlantic World. Chapter Three: The Great Awakening: A Cluster of Revivals. Chapter Four: The Birth of the Republic. Part II: The New Nation, 1789-1865. Chapter Five: The Republic and the Churches. Chapter Six: Protestant Expansion and Consolidation. Chapter Seven: The Broadening of Denominational Life. Chapter Eight: Visions of Religious Community. Part III Years of Midpassage, 1865-1918. Chapter Nine: Post-Civil War America. Chapter Ten: The New Americans. Chapter Eleven: The New Intellectual Climate. Chapter Twelve: New Frontiers for the Churches. Part IV Modern America, 1918-Present. Chapter Thirteen: The Shifting Religious Configuration. Chapter Fourteen: Protestant Transition and New Religions. Chapter Fifteen: Resurgence, Renewal, and Reform. Chapter Sixteen: Congregations and Coalitions. Chapter Seventeen: Moral Divisions: Religion After 9/11

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