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A Path With A Heart

Ericksonian Utilization With Resistant and Chronic Clients
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Yvonne M. Dolan
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2 - DRM Adobe

First published in 1993. Historically, hypnotherapy has been assiduously avoided in the treatment of psychotics. One of the myths around this is that hypnosis is too all-powerful- that it can precipitate psychosis in patients with fragile egos. This myth was disproved by Milton Erickson, the master psychiatrist whose extensive work with hypnotherapy is the basis for Yvonne Dolan's work on the treatment of chronic patients. Erickson was the first practitioner to consistently demonstrate the efficacy of formal and informal hypnotherapy with schizophrenics, and now Dolan has advanced Erickson's naturalistic techniques with her practical and common sense techniques.
Chapter 1 The Complexity of Working with Chronic and Resistant Clients; Chapter 2 The Nature of Ericksonian Utilization; Chapter 3 A Naturalistic Perspective for Hypnotic Trance; Chapter 4 Bypassing Conscious Blocks Through Interspersals and Presuppositions; Chapter 5 "Yes" Sets and "No" Sets; Chapter 6 Strategies for Communicating Acceptance in an Undeniable Way; Chapter 7 Establishing New Therapeutic Resources Through Associational Cues; Chapter 8 Refraining Chronic Symptoms - A Utilization Approach; Chapter 9 Metaphors: Communicating with Chronic and Resistant Clients Through Stories; Chapter 10 Using Metaphors with Psychotic Clients; Chapter 11 Changing Chronic Problem Behaviors into Therapeutic Resources; Chapter 12 Ericksonian Utilization in Group Settings; Chapter 13 The Therapist as an Instrument;

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