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Five Years Exploration At Thebes

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Howard Carter
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This work was published in 1912 as a record of the pioneering and most significant excavation undertaken at Thebes by Howard Carter and his team under the patronage of Lord Carnarvon. It remains the most sensational work of its kind ever carried out in the field of Egyptology. Not only did it excite the international scholarly community, it ignited permanently the imagination of the world.
Introduction; Chapter 1 The Mortuary Chapel and Sepulchre of Teta-Ky, Howard Carter; Chapter 2 The Paintings and Inscriptions of the Painted Vaulted Chamber of Teta-Ky, George Legrain; Chapter 3 The Funerary Statuettes from Tomb of Teta-Ky, Percy E. Newberhy; Chapter 4 Excavations in the Valley of Dêr El Bahari, Howard Carter; Chapter 5 Work Done in the Birabi, Howard Carter; Chapter 6 The Carnarvon Tablets I and II; Chapter 7 The 'valley'-Temple of Queen Hatshepsût, Howard Carter; Chapter 8 Ptolemaic Vaulted Graves, Howard Carter; Chapter 9 Demotic Papyri and Ostraca, Wilhelm Spiegelberg; Chapter 10 Colonnade and Foundation Deposit of Rameses IV, Howard Carter; Chapter 11 Other Antiquities Discovered, Howard Carter; Chapter 12 The Late Middle Kingdom and Intermediate Period Necropolis, Howard Carter; Chapter 13 The Hieratic Texts of Tomb No. 37, George Moller; Chapter 14 ), Percy E. Newberry;

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