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Implementing a US Carbon Tax

Challenges and Debates
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Ian Parry
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eBook Format:
2 - DRM Adobe

This book is about the practicalities of introducing a carbon tax in the United States, set against the broader fiscal context. It consists of thirteen chapters, written by leading experts, covering the full range of issues policymakers would need to understand. These include, for example, the revenue potential of a carbon tax, how the tax can be administered, the advantages of carbon taxes over other mitigation instruments, the environmental and macroeconomic impacts of the tax, and opportunities for reforming broader fiscal, regulatory, and technology policies.
1. Carbon Taxes as Part of the Fiscal Solution 2. Choosing among Mitigation Instruments: How Strong is the Case for a US Carbon Tax? 3. Administration of a US Carbon Tax 4. Carbon Taxes to Achieve Emissions Targets - Insights from EMF 24 5. Macroeconomic Effects of Carbon Taxes 6. The Distributional Burden of a Carbon Tax: Evidence and Implications for Policy 7. Offsetting a Carbon Tax's Burden on Low-Income Households 8. Carbon Taxes and Corporate Tax Reform 9. Carbon Taxes and Energy Intensive Trade Exposed Industries: Impacts and Options 10. The Role of Energy Technology Policy Alongside Carbon Pricing 11. Mixing It Up: Power Sector Energy and Regional and Regulatory Climate Policies in the Presence of a Carbon Tax 12. Implications of Carbon Taxes for Transportation Policies 13. Comparing Countries' Climate Mitigation Efforts in a Post-Kyoto World

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