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Law and Economics

Alternative Economic Approaches to Legal and Regulatory Issues
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Margaret Oppenheimer
eBook Typ:
eBook Format:
2 - DRM Adobe

The economic analysis of legal and regulatory issues need not be limited to the neoclassical economic approach. Contributors to this work employ heterodox legal-economic theories to address a range of legal issues. They demonstrate how varied approaches can lead to different conclusions on the role of the law and legal intervention.
1: Introduction: New Approaches to Law and Economics; 1: Law and Economics; 2: The Foundations of Socioeconomics and Its Relation to the Law; 2: Legal Issues Concerning Firms and Market Structure; 3: The Inadequacy of Competition Policies; 4: A Market Path to Liberation?; 5: Alternative Economic Approaches to Antitrust Enforcement; 3: Legal Issues Concerning Natural Resources, the Environment, and Land Use; 6: A Comparative Institutional Approach to Law and Economics; 7: Property and Politics in the Hudson Valley; 8: Prior Questions; 4: Legal Issues Concerning Labor, Employment, and Unemployment; 9: An Alternative Economic Analysis of the Regulation of Unions and Collective Bargaining; 10: Personalist Economics, Justice, and the Law; 11: The Efficiency and Employment-Enhancing Effects of Social Welfare; 12: Alternative Economic Approaches to Analyzing Hours of Work Determination and Standards; 13: Efficient But Not Equitable; 5: Other Legal Issues; 14: A Social Economics of Crime; 15: Economic Analysis of Tort Law; 16: Institutional Change and Economic Growth in Spain Since the Democratic Transition in 1978

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