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Psychosocial Constructs of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse

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Barry Stimmel
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Originally published in 1983, in an attempt to provide a broader knowledge base to aid both treatment and prevention, experts examine topics such as the need for an holistic approach to therapy, sexual functioning, drug abusing youths in inner city neighbourhoods, the role of the family, and much more.
Editorial. Dependency on Mood-Altering Drugs: The Need for a Holistic Approach Barry Stimmel 1. Alcohol Problems and Depressive Symptoms in a National Survey Lorraine Midanik 2. The Antisocial Opiate Addict Bruce J. Rounsville, Stephen L. Eyre, Myrna M. Weissman and Herbert D. Kleber 3. Alcohol and Sexual Functioning: A Review Joy A. Price and James H. Price 4. Preferred Resources for Help with a Drug Problem Among Youths Living in Different Inner City Neighborhood Settings Richard Dembo, James Schmeidler, Robert W. Taylor, David Agresti and William Burgos 5. The Family in the Etiology and Treatment of Drug Abuse: Toward a Balanced Perspective Victor I. Friesen 6. Chronological Maturation and Attempts at Deaddiction: An Extension of the Maturation Hypothesis B. Krishna Singh and J. Sherwood Williams 7. Selective Guide to Current Reference Sources on Topics Discussed in this Issue Mary Mylenki.

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