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Gardiner C.Mean’s Institutional and Post-Keynesian Economics

An Interpretation and Assessment
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Warren J. Samuels
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A study of the economic theory of Gardiner Means, discussing his ideas of administered pricing and profit maximization within the giant corporation, the possible links between industrial structure and macroeconomic performance, and the micro foundations of macroeconomics.
Preface, 1. Introduction, 1. Introduction and Objectives, 2. The Problem of Interpretation, 3. A Precis of Means's Career, 4. Means's General Perspective, 2. The Modern Corporation: Property and Power, 1. Introduction, 2. The Corporation, 3. Concentration and Size, 4. Dispersion of Stock Ownership, 5. Separation of Ownership and Control, a. The Meaning of Control, b. Profit Maximization, c. The Separation of Ownership and Control, 6. The Corporate System: The Economy as a System of Power, 7. The Changing Meaning of Private Property: Collectivized, 8. The Economy as a System of Power, 9. The Corporation as Private Government, 3. A New Microeconomics, 1. Administered Prices, 2. The Price Adjusnnent Process, 3. The Theory of the Firm in Relation to the Market, 4. The Macroeconomic Consequences of Administered Prices, 1. Introduction, 2. Administered Pricing and Inflation 3. Means in Relation to Keynes 4. Accounting for the Cost of Idle or Excess Capacity, 5. The Reception of Means's Work and the Relation of His Work to That of Others, 1. Introduction, 2. Means's Dissertation, 3. Facts, Paradigms, Ideology, and Discourse, 4. Already and Newly Established Fields, 5. Aspects of Filtration, 6. "A Man of One Idea", 7. Recollections of Early Perceptions, 8. The Status of Means's Work, a. A General Mosaic, b. Random Smveys of Several Fields within Economics, i. Keynes and Keynesian Economics, ii. Intermediate Microeconomics, iii. Intermediate Macroeconomics, iv. The Corporation and Corporate Power, 9. The Sociology of Academic Opportunity, 10. Means as an Outsider, 6. Gardiner C. Means in the History of Economic Thought: A Preliminary Assessment, Notes, References, Index, About the Authors

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