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W. E. B. Du Bois on Africa

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Eugene F Provenzo Jr
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This book brings together, for the first time, W.E.B. Du Bois's writings on Africa across half a century in magazine and journal articles, poems and book chapters, highlighting his role among the most important intellectual figures in modern African social thought.
Preface Introduction, To The Nations of the World, The Color Line, Belts the World, A Day in Africa, The First Universal Races, Congress ,Africa, The African Roots of the War, The Negro's Fatherland, The Future of Africa, Africa, French And Spanish Race, PridePan Africa, To The World, A Second Journey to Pan-Africa, Africa for the Africans, Back to Africa, On Migrating to Africa, Kenya Africa: January 1, 1924, African Manners, The Place, the People, Italy and Abyssinia, Liberia, The Pan African Congresses, Africa-Its Place in Modern History, The Rape of Africa, What is Africa to Me? The Disenfranchised Colonies, On Britain And Africa, The Saga of Nkrumah, A Future for Pan Africa: Freedom, Peace, Socialism, The Prime Minister Of Ghana, A Review Of Ghana: The Autobiography Of Kwame Nkrumah, The Future of Africa, Address to the All African People's Conference, Accra, China and Africa, The Belgian Congo, The World Must Soon Awake to Bar War in Congo, A Logical Program for a Free Congo, Nigeria Becomes Part of the Modern World, What Future for Nigeria, American Negroes and Africa's Rise to Freedom, A Second Journey to Pan Africa, The African Roots of the War, The Negro's Fatherland, Pan-Africa and New Racial Philosophy, The Future of World Democracy, Introduction of Kwame Nkrumah at the United Nations 1954, Suez Ghana Calls, Report to the Ghana Academy of Science, Bibliography of W.E.B. Du Bois's Writings on Africa.

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