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Nuclear Proliferation and International Order

Challenges to the Non-Proliferation Treaty
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Olav Njølstad
Routledge Global Security Studies
eBook Typ:
eBook Format:
2 - DRM Adobe

This book examines the state of the nuclear non-proliferation regime and the issues it faces in the early 21st century.
1. Introduction: The Present Nuclear Order, How it Came About, Why it May Not Last Hans Blix Part 1: Challenge from Outside: The Problem of Non-Legal Nuclear Weapon States 2. The Indian Nuclear Program: Motivations, Effects, and Future Trajectories S. Paul Kapur 3. Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons Programme: Past and Future Bhumitra Chakma 4. Israel's Nuclear Capability: Implications on Middle East Security Mohamed Kadry Said Part 2: Challenge from Within: The NPT Defectors 5. How to bring North Korea back into the NPT Leon V. Sigal 6. Challenge from Within: The Case of Iran Sverre Lodgaard Part 3: Challenge from Below: Nuclear Trafficking and Terrorism 7. The Threat of Nuclear Terrorism Morten Bremer Mærli 8. The Atomic Terrorist? John Mueller Part 4: Challenge from Above: The Unfulfilled Nuclear Disarmament Pledge of the Five Legal Nuclear-Weapon States 9. The United States and the NPT "Double Bargain" David Holloway 10. The Nuclear Policy of Russia and the Perspectives for Nuclear Disarmament Vladimir Dvorkin 11. Creating "Nuclear Order": An Open-Ended Process Sergey Oznobishchev 12. The UK, Responsible Nuclear Sovereignty and the Disarmament Threshold William Walker 13. France and Nuclear Non-Proliferation: From Benign Neglect to Active Promotion Bruno Tertrais 14. Departing Revolution: China's Changing Nuclear Policies during the Cold War Chen Jian 15. China's Policy on Nuclear Weapons and Disarmament Yao Yunzhu

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