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Multilayered Migration Governance

The Promise of Partnership
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Rahel Kunz
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eBook Format:
2 - DRM Adobe

Examines the use of migration partnerships as a new tool in the political management of migration flows.
1. Introduction: Governance through Partnerships in International Migration Rahel Kunz, Sandra Lavenex and Marion Panizzon Part 1: Global Perspectives 2. The Global Governance of Migration and the Role of Trans-Regionalism Alexander Betts 3. Coherence and the Regime Complex for International Economic Migration Joel P. Trachtman 4.What Government Networks do in the Field of Migration: An Analysis of Selected Regional Consultative Processes Jobst Köhler Part 2: EU Partnerships 5. Mobility Partnerships: 'Insecurity partnerships' for Policy Coherence and Migrant Workers' Human Rights in the EU Sergio Carrera and Raül Hernández i Sagrera 6. 'Partnering' for Migration in EU External Relations Rachel Nellen-Stucky and Sandra Lavenex 7. Facilitating the Temporary Movement of Natural Persons: Economic Partnership Agreements Versus Bilateral Migration Agreements & Mobility Partnerships Natasha Ward 8.The Current Role of the International Organization for Migration in Developing and Implementing Migration and Mobility Partnerships Claire Potaux Part 3: Bilateral Partnerships 9. Franco-African Pacts on Migration: Bilateralism Revisited in Multilayered Migration Governance Marion Panizzon 10. Swiss Migration Partnerships: A Paradigm Shift Odile Rittener, Rosa Maria Losada, Laurent Perriard and Stefano Toscano 11. New Trends in Managing Migration in Canada: Towards a Mobility Paradigm? Hélène Pellerin 12. Depoliticization through Partnership in the Field of Migration: The Mexico-US Case Rahel Kunz

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