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Television in the Nursing Home

A Case Study of the Media Consumption Routines and Strategies of Nursing Home Residents
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Wendy J Hajjar
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2 - DRM Adobe

Television in the Nursing Home: A Case Study of the Media Consumption Routines and Strategies of Nursing Home Residents is a three-stage ethnographic study of media use in long-term care of the elderly. This research concludes that television use is the most prevalent and pervasive activity for patients. Activity directors can now learn how television and media can offer diversion, enhancement of personality, awareness, and sociability to their patients according to roommate coordination, the selectivity of the media, and communication resources. Containing the latest knowledge involving communication and gerontology, Television in the Nursing Home will help you offer programs that will meet the demands of an expanding elderly population.
Introduction; Part 1 ENTERING THE FIELD; Chapter 1 Aging and Media Use; Chapter 2 Television and Social Life in the Nursing Home; Chapter 3 Ethnographic Methodology; Chapter 4 A Day in the Nursing Home; Part 2 NARROWING THE FOCUS; Chapter 5 Program Preferences and Routines; Chapter 6 Roommates and Coordination; Chapter 7 Key Informants; Part 3 ANALYSIS AND CONCL USIONS; Chapter 8 The Viewing Stance; Chapter 9 Control and Selectivity; Chapter 10 Minimizing the Negatives; Chapter 11 Storytelling: Accentuating the Positive; Chapter 12 Conclusions and Recommendations;

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