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Women, Men and News

Divided and Disconnected in the News Media Landscape
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Paula Poindexter
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2 - DRM Adobe

This multi-authored scholarly volume explores the divide between men and women in their consumption of news media, looking at how the sexes read and use news, historically and currently, how they use technology to access their news, and how today's news pertains to and is used by women. The volume also addresses diversity issues among women's use of news, considering racial, ethnic, international and feminist perspectives.
Table of Contents Preface Part I Women, Men, and News Consumption Chapter 1: Trouble in the News Media Landscape-Paula Poindexter Chapter 2: Factors Contributing to the Sex Divide in Newspapers and Television News-Paula Poindexter Chapter 3: When Women Ignore the News-Paula Poindexter Chapter 4: IM, Downloading, Facebook, and Teen Magazines: Gateways or Barriers to News?-Paula Poindexter Part II Women in the News; Women in the Newsroom Chapter 5: Finding Women in the Newsroom and in the News - Paula Poindexter Chapter 6: The Softer Side of News -Paula Poindexter and Dustin Harp Part III Women, Technology, and News Chapter 7: Women and Technology: How Socialization Created a Gender Gap-Sharon Meraz Chapter 8: Online News: Factors Influencing the Divide Between Women and Men- Amy Schmitz Weiss Chapter 9: The Blogosphere's Gender Gap: Differences in Visibility, Popularity, and Authority -Sharon Meraz Part IV Perspectives On Young Adults Chapter 10: Reaching Young Adults Begins with Change -Amy Zerba Women Worldwide Chapter 11: Women and the News: Europe, Egypt and the Middle East, and Africa- Jackie Harrison and Karen Sanders, Christiana Holtz-Bacha, Raquel Rodriguez Díaz, Serra Görpe, Salma Ghanem, and Chioma Ugochukwu Chapter 12: Women and the News: India and Asia - Smeeta Mishra, Xin (Sophie) Chen, Yi-ning Katherine Chen, and Kyung-Hee Kim Chapter 13: Women and the News: Latin America and the Caribbean - Vanessa de M. Higgins, Teresa Correra, Maria Flores, and Sharon Meraz Feminists on the News Chapter 14: News, Feminist Theories, and the Gender Divide-Dustin Harp Chapter 15: Critiquing Journalism: A 21st Century Feminist Perspective - Linda Steiner On Women, Race, Ethnicity, and News Chapter 16: Color and Content: Why the News Doesn't Mirror Society -Lorraine Branham Chapter 17: Coverage of Latinos in the News Media: We're Not There Yet -Maggie Rivas Rodriguez A Blueprint for the News Media Landscape of the Future Chapter 18: Strengthening the News Connection with Women and Cultivating the Next Generation-Paula Poindexter, Sharon Meraz, and Amy Schmitz Weiss

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