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Historians of Economics and Economic Thought

Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Steven G Medema
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2 - DRM Adobe

This collection summarizes the work of key historians of economics and attempts to quantify their impact. The collection is authored by an impressive list of contributors, many of whom are themselves well-known in this field.
lntroduction 1 1 The skills of freedom: the liberal education of William J. Barber 2 Mark Blaug as a historian of economic thought 3 Bob Coats and the historicizing of economic policy 4 Verve and versatility: NeU De Marchi and the culture of economics 5 Mauriee Dobb, historical materialism, and economic thought 6 The craft of William D. Grampp: historian of economics 7 F. A. Hayek as an intellectual historian of economics 8 From Adam Smith to John Stuart Mill: Samuel Hollander and the classical economists 9 S. Todd Lowry and ancient Greek economic thought: an interpretation 10 Ronald Meek and the rehabilitation of surplus economics 11 Philip Mirowski as a historian of economic thought 12 Donald E. Moggridge as an historian of economic thought 13 D. P. O'Brien's contribution to the history of economic analysis 14 Joan Robinson's economics: using the history of economic thought as a discovery tool 15 Henry William Spiegel: historian of economic thought 16 Werner Stark and the sociology of knowledge approach to the history of economics 17 Roy Weintraub's contribution to the history of economics 18 Donald Winch as intellectual historian

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