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Security Studies

A Reader
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Christopher W. Hughes
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2 - DRM Adobe

This reader offers students an informed overview of the most significant work in security studies and features contributions from many of the leading scholars in the field.
Part 1: What is Security? Introduction 1.1 National Security as an Ambiguous Symbol Arnold Wolfers 1.2 Redefining Security Richard Ullman 1.3 The National Security Problem in International Relations Barry Buzan 1.4 The Concept of Security David Baldwin 1.5 Security and Emancipation Ken Booth 1.6 Feminism and Security J. Ann Tickner 1.7 The Third World and Security Studies Amitav Acharya 1.8 Redefining Security (2) Jessica Tuchman Matthews 1.9 Human Security Roland Paris 1.10 The Renaissance of Security Studies Stephen M. Walt 1.11 Securitisation Ole Waever Part 2: Security Paradigms Introduction 2.1 The Nemesis of Utopianism E. H. Carr 2.2 A Realist Theory of International Politics Hans J. Morgenthau 2.3 The Concept of Order in World Politics Hedley Bull 2.4 Anarchic Orders and Balances of Power Kenneth N. Waltz 2.5 Cooperation under the Security Dilemma Robert Jervis 2.6 The False Promise of International Institutions John J. Mearsheimer 2.7 Economics and the Moral Case for War Norman Angell 2.8 Neoliberal Institutionalism Robert Keohane 2.9 Democratic Peace Michael W. Doyle 2.10 Neo-Kantian Perspective Bruce Russett 2.11 The Social Construction of Power Politics Alexander Wendt 2.12 Norms, Identity and National Security Thomas U. Berger Part 3: Security Dimensions and Issues Introduction 3.1 Nuclear Deterrence Ned Lebow and Janice Gross Stein 3.2 Arms Races Barry Buzan and Eric Herring 3.3 Nuclear Proliferation Scott Sagan 3.4 New Military Conflict Lawrence Freedman 3.5 Technology and War Michael O'Hanlon 3.6 Resources and Conflict Thomas Homer-Dixon 3.7 Migration and Security Myron Weiner 3.8 Transnational Crime and Security Phil Williams 3.9 AIDS/HIV and Security P. W. Singer 3.10 Economics and Security Jonathan Kirshner Part 4: Security Frameworks and Actors Introduction 4.1 The Long Peace John Lewis Gaddis 4.2 The Unipolar Illusion Christopher Layne 4.3 Alliance Politics Glenn Snyder 4.4. Alliance Futures Stephen M. Walt 4.5 Multilateralism John Gerard Ruggie 4.6 Regimes Robert Jervis 4.7 Security Communities Emanuel Adler 4.8 Interventionism Adam Roberts 4.9 Economic Sanctions Robert A. Pape 4.10 Private Military Companies David Shearer Part 5: The Future of Security Introduction 5.1 Security in the Twenty First Century Barry Buzan 5.2 Instability in Europe? John J. Mearsheimer 5.3 Security Dilemmas in East Asia? Thomas J. Christensen 5.4 Structural Realism Redux Kenneth N. Waltz 5.5 Security and Global Transformation Ken Booth 5.6 Globalisation and Security Victor D. Cha 5.7 Terrorism Walter Laqueur 5.8 The War on Terrorism Michael Howard

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