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The Engagement Equation

Leadership Strategies for an Inspired Workforce
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Christopher Rice
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2 - DRM Adobe

Create a culture of engagement and build high-performancecultureThe Engagement Equation explains the drivers of employeeengagement, and how you can use improved engagement to executestrategy, reduce costs, and meet your organizational goals. Thisbook describes a unique engagement model that focuses onindividuals' contribution to a company's success and personalsatisfaction in their roles. Aligning employees' values, goals, andaspirations with those of the organization is the best method forachieving the sustainable employee engagement. The EngagementEquation is designed to provide a framework that will help youmove the needle on engagement.* Explains how to plan and execute a sustainableorganization-wide engagement initiative* Shows how to avoid the engagement survey analysis-paralysistrap* Shares ways to align employee contribution with strategy* Encourages leaders to pay attention to and better understandyour organizational culture, and much moreUltimately, it's the daily dynamics at play in your team, yourdivision, and your organization that matter most.
Preface: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants--The Legacy of Buck Blessing and Tod White vAcknowledgments viiIntroduction ixChapter 1 What Is Engagement Anyway? 1Chapter 2 The Five Levels of Engagement 21Chapter 3 Global Insights and Macro Trends 39Chapter 4 Shared Accountability and Daily Priority 63Chapter 5 A Dead Battery Can't Jump-Start Another 91Chapter 6 Culture 103Chapter 7 Seems Kind of Obvious: Align Your Employees! 139Chapter 8 Dialogue and Empowerment Trump Action Planning 159Chapter 9 Career Development 183Chapter 10 Measuring ROI 211Chapter 11 The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Engagement Surveys 229Chapter 12 Final Considerations 251Appendix 269Interviews and Contributors 285Endnotes 291Index 299

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