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The Mind and Mood of Aging

Mental Health Problems of the Community Elderly in New York and London
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Barry Gurland
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First published in 1983, this study examined people over the age of 65 living in New York and London. The people were reinterviewed after one year to record their use of health services and symptoms, or the development of new symptoms. Social and medical factors were studied in relation to psychopathological conditions.
Foreword. Acknowledgments. Prologue. Section I: Overview 1. Aims and Purposes of the Cross-National Geriatric Community Study 2. Cross-National Context 3. Features of the Study Section II: Methods 1. Assessment of Health and Social Problems and Service Utilization 2. Sampling Design 3. Field Work Methods and Response Rates Section III: Results 1. Comparison of Demographic Characteristics 2. Comparison of Health and Social Problems 3. Comparison of the Prevalence of Depression and Dementia 4. Comparison of Personal Time Dependence Section IV: Service Utilization 1. Comparison of Services Used by a Cross-Section of the Elderly 2. Comparison of Services Used by the Elderly with Pervasive Dementia or Pervasive Depression 3. Comparison of Services and Intensity of Formal and Informal Support Systems for Dependent Elderly Section V: Conclusion 1. Advances in Method 2. Dementia 3. Depression 4. Disability 5. Images and Realities. Appendix I. Appendix II. Bibliography.

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