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Destruction, Ethics, and Intergalactic Love

Exploring Y: The Last Man and Saga
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Peter Admirand
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Destruction, Ethics, and Intergalactic Love: Exploring Y: The Last Man and Saga offers a creative and accessible exploration of the two comic book series, examining themes like nonviolence; issues of gender and war; heroes and moral failures; forgiveness and seeking justice; and the importance of diversity and religious pluralism.
List of Figures; Acknowledgements: Joy and Gratitude Amidst Distress; Introduction: Death, Decay, and Destruction: Only the Beginning; Part I: Seeking Meaning in a Meaningless World; 1. Ethics (and Art) After the Plague; 2. Inky Darkness: Ethics Amidst Intergalactic War (and The Narrative); Reflection on Part I; Part II: Love and Parenting Through Oppression and Grief; 3. Love and Identity: A Numeric and Heroic Journey; 4. (Intergalactic) Fatherhood: Failure and Maternal Hope; Reflection on Part II; Part III: Being Peace but Surrounded by Violence; 5. Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Gender and Violence; 6. On the Perils of Pacifism During War; Reflection on Part III; Part IV: Beyond Diversity and Tolerance: Towards Communion; 7. Post-Religion: Sex, God, Women, Love; 8. Enfolding the Grotesque and the Borderless: A Politics for All; Reflection on Part IV; Conclusion: Love in the Throes of Destruction and Despair; Bibliography; Index

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