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21st Century Nanoscience - A Handbook

Bioinspired Systems and Methods (Volume Seven)
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Klaus D. Sattler
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This up-to-date reference is the most comprehensive summary of the field of nanoscience and its applications. It begins with fundamental properties at the nanoscale and then goes well beyond into the practical aspects of the design, synthesis, and use of nanomaterials in various industries.
1. Plant-Mediated Biosynthesis of Nanoparticles - Darroudi 2. Self-Assembled Peptide Nanostuctures and their Applications - Das 3. Bacterial Detection with Magnetic Nanoparticles - Pawar 4. Nanoparticles Carrying Biological Molecules - Lenggoro 5. Silicon-Based Nanoscale Probes for Biological Cells - Tian 6. Ptychographic Imaging of Biological Samples with Soft X-Ray Radiation - Vartaniants 7. Bioapplication of Inorganic Nanomaterials - Nozaki 8. Engineered Living Materials: Designing Biological Cells as Nanomaterials Factories - Nguyen 9. Nanoparticles for Bone Tissue Engineering - Oliveira 10. DNA-Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles - Liu 11. Undoped Tetrahedral Amorphous Carbon (ta-C) Thin Films for Biosensing - Laurila 12. Charge and Spin Dynamics in DNA Nanomolecules: Modelling and Applications - Behnia 13. A Nanomaterials Genome - Qian 14. Nanoscience of Large Immunproteins -Vorup-Jensen 15. Nanozymes and their Applications in Biomedicine - Fan 16. Self-Assembling Protein Nanoparticles - Design, Production, and Characterization - He 17. Nanoengineering Neural Cells for Regenerative Medicine - Adams 18. Plasmonic Nanoparticles for Cancer Bioimaging, Diagnostics, and Therapy - Vo-Dinh 19. Nanotechnology in Cell Delivery Systems - Golchin 20. Bio-Nanoparticles: Nanoscale Probes for Nanoscale Pathogens - Draz

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