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21st Century Nanoscience - A Handbook

Exotic Nanostructures and Quantum Systems (Volume Five)
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Klaus D. Sattler
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This up-to-date reference is the most comprehensive summary of the field of nanoscience and its applications. It begins with fundamental properties at the nanoscale and then goes well beyond into the practical aspects of the design, synthesis, and use of nanomaterials in various industries.
1. Novel Nanoscience in Superfluid Helium 2. Stimuli-Responsive Polymeric Nanomaterials 3. Nanoparticle Superlattices 4. Heptacene 5. Epitaxial Silicene 6. Emissive Nanomaterials and Liquid Crystals 7. Nanoscale Alloys and Intermetallics: Recent Progress in Catalysis 8. Nanoionics: Fundamentals and Applications 9. Structure-Dynamic Approach of Nanoionics 10. Energetic Processing of Molecular and Metallic Nanoparticles by Ion Collisions 11. Nanoscale Fluid Dynamics 12. Transport in Nanoporous Materials 13. Beyond Phenomena: Functionalization of Nanofluidics Based on Nano-in-Nano Integration Technology 14. Classical Density Functional Theory and Nanöuidics: Adsorption and the Interface Binding Potential 15. Water Flow in Graphene Nanochannels 16.Transport of Water in Graphene Nano-Channels 17. Nanoscale Magnetism 18.Physics of Nanomagnets 19.Magnetic Disorder at the Nanoscale 20. The Study of Hexagonal Fe2Si: In Terms of its Structure and Electronic Properties 21. Tunable Picosecond Magnetization Dynamics in Ferromagnetic Nanostructures 22. Nanothermodynamics: Fundamentals and Applications 23. Characterization of Nanoscale Thermal Conductivity 24. Nanothermometers: Remote Sensors for Temperature Mapping at the Nanoscale 25. Luminescent Nanothermometry 26. Diamond Nanothermometry

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