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A Guide to Online Pharmacy Education

Teaching Strategies and Assessment Methods
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Yaser Al-Worafi
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This book describes in detail the various teaching strategies and assessment methods used in pharmacy education. The aim is to provide a single resource containing comprehensive information and practical guidelines about each strategy for pharmacy educators, students, and researchers to use in their teaching and learning.
Section 1. Online Pharmacy Education. Chapter 1. Online Pharmacy Education: History and Importance. Chapter 2. Online Pharmacy Education: Degrees, Programs, Certificates, and Advanced Boards Certificates. Chapter 3. Online Pharmacy Education: Curriculum Related Issues. Chapter 4. Online Pharmacy Education: Competencies and Learning Outcomes. Chapter 5. Online Pharmacy Education: Teaching the Theory. Chapter 6. Online Pharmacy Education: Teaching the Practice and Tutorial. Chapter 7. Online Pharmacy Education: Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE) and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE). Chapter 8. Online Pharmacy Education: Technologies and Tools. Chapter 9. Online Pharmacy Education: Self-Learning & Self-Directed Learning. Chapter 10. Online Pharmacy Education: Continuous Pharmacy Education and Professional Development for Pharmacy Educators. Chapter 11. Online Pharmacy Education: Community services. Chapter 12. Online Pharmacy Education: Access and Equitable Access. Chapter 13. Online Pharmacy Education: Quality and Accreditation. Chapter 14. Online Pharmacy Education: Advantages and Disadvantages. Section 2. Online Pharmacy Practice. Chapter 15. Online Pharmacy Practice: History and Importance. Chapter 16. Online Pharmacy Practice: Online Pharmacies. Chapter 17. Online Pharmacy Practice: Social-Media, Social-Networking Sites and Webinar & Video Conferencing Platforms. Chapter 18. Online Pharmacy Practice: Mobile Health Technologies. Chapter 19. Online Pharmacy Practice: Medications Safety. Chapter 20. Online Pharmacy Practice: Patient Care. Chapter 21. Online Pharmacy Practice: Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Lifelong Learning. Chapter 22. Online Pharmacy Practice: Pharmacists Prescribing. Chapter 23. Online Pharmacy Practice: Advantages, Disadvantages and Quality Issues. Section 3. Online Pharmacy Research. Chapter 24. Online Pharmacy Research: History, Importance. Chapter 25. Online Pharmacy Research: Terminologies. Chapter 26. Online Pharmacy Research: Research Method & Methodology. Chapter 27. Online Pharmacy Research: Tips for Implementation. Chapter 28. Online Pharmacy Research: Quality of Online Research. Chapter 29. Online Pharmacy Research: Facilitators and Barriers. Section 4. Pharmacy Education Teaching Strategies. Chapter 30. Pharmacy education: learning styles. Chapter 31. Pharmacy education teaching strategies: traditional and active strategies. Chapter 32. Team Based Learning in pharmacy education. Chapter 33. Problem Based Learning in pharmacy education. Chapter 34. Case Based Learning in pharmacy education. Chapter 35. Simulation in pharmacy education. Chapter 36. Project Based Learning in pharmacy education. Chapter 37. Filliped classes in pharmacy education. Chapter 38. Educational games in pharmacy education. Chapter 39. Web-based learning in pharmacy education. Chapter 40. Lecture based/interactive lecture-based learning in pharmacy education. Chapter 41. Blended learning (BP) in pharmacy education. Chapter 42. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) in pharmacy education. Chapter 43. Computer-Assisted Learning (CAL) in pharmacy education. Section 5. Pharmacy Education Assessment and Evaluation methods. Chapter 44. Assessment methods in pharmacy education: strengths and limitations. Chapter 45. Assessment methods in pharmacy education: direct assessment. Chapter 46. Assessment methods in pharmacy education: Indirect assessment. Chapter 47. Assessment methods in pharmacy education: formative assessment. Chapter 48. Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in pharmacy education

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