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The European Environmental Conscience in EU Politics

A Developing Ideology
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Thomas Hoerber
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Based on empirical studies of European energy and environmental policies, this book suggests that, in combination, these two policy fields form a consensus in the EU which might also become the basis for a new European ideology, namely European 'sustainabilism'.
Introduction: The European environmental Conscience in EU Politics Part 1: Energy and Environment in the European Union 1. A Linked Emissions Trading Scheme under Alternative Scenarios: implications for Europe and Brazil 2. Has the Time Now Come for Emissions Trading Schemes to Make Full Contribution to Combating Climate Change? 3. Towards Ego-Ecology? How domestic demands challenge the European environmental conscience and EU politics 4. The Continued Lack of an Environmental Conscience in EU Transport Policy after the Dieselgate Scandal 5. The Integrating Power of the Environmentally Conscious Energy: Re-thinking Global Positioning of the EU Part 2: Environmental Policies in the European Union 6. The Effective Impact of European Waste Directives on Sustainability Transition 7. The Time has Come! The Development of the European Environmental Conscience: Evidence from the Eurobarometer surveys from 1974 to 2020 8. A Growing European Environmental Conscience. Conclusion: A (European) Ideology for the 21st Century?

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