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School Farms

Feeding and Educating Children
Sofort lieferbar | Lieferzeit: Sofort lieferbar I
Alshimaa Aboelmakarem Farag
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This book highlights the potential of school farms to fight hunger and malnutrition by providing access to locally produced, fresh and healthy food as well as providing young students with educational opportunities to learn, interact with nature, and develop their skills.
Introduction Part 01. Problem-Focused Perspective Chapter 1. Food Education and Food for Life Chapter 2. The Impacts of Hunger on Children and Adolescents: School Farming as a Panacea Chapter 3. Fighting with Malnutrition and Reaching Sustainable Development Goals through School Farming (Need Felt during COVID 19 Situation) Part 02. People-Focused Perspective Chapter 4. The School Farms Network in the UK Chapter 5. Foodways, Farm, and Ecology Chapter 6. Psychological Benefits of School Farms to Students Chapter 7. Harithalayam Campus Farming Mission Part 03. Process-Focused Perspective Chapter 8. How do Children and Youth learn through Farming and Gardening Activities? Chapter 9. Using the Outdoors to Enhance Learning Experiences at Secondary School Chapter 10. Working Towards the Garden Part 04. Place-Focused Perspective Chapter 11. The School as a Potential Resource for the Transformation of the Territory Chapter 12. School Roof Farms Chapter 13. Building Community Resilience Chapter 14. Inclusive Learning School Farm Environment Conclusion, Closing Thoughts, and Future Directions

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