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Christological Paradigm Shifts in Prophetic Pentecostalism in South Africa

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Mookgo Solomon Kgatle
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This book explores recent developments in South African Pentecostalism, focusing on new prophetic churches.
Introduction-Mookgo Solomon Kgatle, Marius Nel and Collium Banda; 1 The paradigmatic shift of some New Prophetic Churches from the ipsissima verba of Scripture to a non-existent Christology-Paul Themba Mngadi; 2 "Who has bewitched you?": The Christological shift from faith to works in Galatians 3:1-9 applied to South African Pentecostalism-Elise B. Kisungu; 3 Towards a deepened Christology on the Cape Flats: The "Spirit of Christ" metaphor in the neo-Pentecostal church-Eugene Baron; 4 Wo/Men's God-given power: Male headship versus female agency in Pentecostal sermons-Tumi Mampane; 5 Examining the position of prophets in relation to Christology within contemporary South African Pentecostal missions-Themba Shingange; 6 African neo-Pentecostalism's emphasis on prosperity and its implications for its Christology: An African Pentecostal hermeneutical consideration-Marius Nel; 7 Insufficient to ransom Africans?: The neo-Pentecostal fear of generational curses in Africa and Christ's vicarious atonement-Collium Banda; 8 Christ and the neo-Pentecostal preacher on the platform: Catechists or celebrities?-Kelebogile T. Resane; 9 From replacing Christ to crisis: Rethinking Christology in some new religious ministries in South Africa-Bekithemba Dube; Epilogue-Mookgo Solomon Kgatle, Marius Nel and Collium Banda

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